IJAN Condemns UAW International’s Move to Annul Historic BDS Vote
The International Jewish anti-Zionist Network was very happy to hear that the student-workers in the University of California system endorsed the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) call through their local union, UAW 2865. This was the first time a major union – in this case, one representing over 14,000 workers – voted to support the BDS call, an inspiring example of grassroots union-based solidarity.

IJAN Statement on Attacks in Paris, Beirut, Baghdad, Yola and Kano
Paris. Beirut. Baghdad. Yola & Kano. These names of cities are again this week the names of massacres. The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network condemns without question the horrible crimes perpetrated in the last days, the ones the mass media has made visible, as in France’s capital, and the ones it has refused to see in the capitals of Lebanon and Iraq as well as two cities in Nigeria, and as ever, in Palestine.

Interview with Liliana Córdova Kaczerginski
Founding member of the International JewishAnti-Zionist Network. A daughter of survivors of World War II, she hasbecome engaged in an intense fight, on the theoretical and the practical level,to reveal the true colonial and exclusivist nature of the Zionist project ofthe State of Israel.

Zionism,Judaism, Israel... these are concepts that often get mixed up. Why is this?

These ideas are not easy to understand since theZionist project was conceived and implemented by Jewish people. Zionism is apolitical doctrine, and Judaism is a religion, a culture, and an identity.Like many doctrines, Zionism pretends to be the only ideology of Jewish people,claiming to represent all Jews. What's more, once the State of Israel wasdeclared, the authorities there began to use these words and ideasinterchangeably. For example, they speak in the name of all Jewish people inthe world when the Government of Israel is elected by Israeli citizens. TheJewish community outside of Israel is much larger and does not participate inIsraeli elections. Speaking on behalf of all Jews like this manifests itselfeverywhere; Israel also emphasizes an ethnic link to the ancient Hebrews, whichis without scientific basis (as proven by historians and archaeologists), andis advancing a vernacular history that leads all the way back to the OldTestament in an effort to provide historical legitimacy to the Zionist project.

Comments on current events: Gaza, UN observer status and the WSFFP

TheWorld Social Forum Free Palestine (WSFFP) took place in Porto Alegre, Brazil, atexactly the moment that Palestine was on the front page of every newspaperaround the world. The United Nations had just voted (138-9) to grantPalestinians limited statehood observer status at the United Nations.  Meanwhile, people in Gaza had also justsurvived another brutal Israeli onslaught.

Despiteour grief and rage at the latest attack on Gaza, the perseverance of thePalestinian people continues to be an inspiration. As has been true for almosta century, Palestine and the Palestinian people are in the stranglehold of aglobal negotiation for power and resources. And now, popular movements anduprisings throughout the region threaten the colonial hold of US, Europe,Israel and its collaborators with struggles against repression and massexploitation of resources, land and people and for basic survival and freedom. InSyria, the death toll has risen to an estimated 40,000-57,000 over the pasttwo-years as people's fights against repression are suffocated and infiltratedby the interests of these same forces.

IJAN Stands with Rasmea Odeh
IJAN) condemns the US government’s decision to sentence Rasmea Odeh, Palestinian organizer and community leader, to 18 months in prison for allegedly lying on her immigration and US citizenship paperwork.

Sign-on to Oppose SCR 35
IJAN condemns SCR 35, and rejects the notion that the bill comes out of any genuine commitment to the struggle against racism. Although the language of the bill makes it seem as though it is taking a stand against antisemitism and racism, the truth of the matter is that SCR 35 is a Trojan Horse for Zionism.





Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities