IJAN Calls on Jews of Conscience to Take Action to Stop Israel: Let Gaza Live!
Like so many times before, Jews must take action against Israeli brutality IJAN and Jews Against Genocide call on Jews of Conscience to “lay siege” on Israeli consulates with protests, creative actions, pickets and demonstrations and to protest events that attempt to justify Israel’s brutality against the Palestinian people. IJAN and Jews Against Genocide call on Jews of Conscience to “lay siege” on Israeli consulates with protests, creative actions, pickets and demonstrations and to protest events that attempt to justify Israel’s brutality against the Palestinian people. Please email us reports of your actions @ and

A New War on Speech
by Selma James and Sara Kershnar Published in Jacobin Campaigns against Rabab Abdulhadi and other activists are calls for state-sponsored political harassment. In the United States, it’s on campuses that the push against Israeli colonialism is having its greatest success. Despite attempts to quash faculty and student speech, the movement continues to surge. Professors worldwide rallied ... A New War on Speech

Jadaliyya: In Support of Swarthmore Hillel

[The following open letter is from The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN)]

This past weekend, something incredibly important happened at a small college in Pennsylvania.

In response to Harvard Hillel barring an Israeli speaker because the university's Palestine Solidarity Committee had cosponsored the event at which he was to present, the Hillel at Swarthmore College issued a sweeping declaration -that it would allow multiple points of view on Zionism and Palestine within its chapter. In their words,Swarthmore Hillel would be "a religious and cultural group whose purpose is not to advocate for one single political view." It would "host and partner with any speaker at the discretion of itstudent board, regardless of Hillel International's Israel guidelines," and would do so in the full knowledge that "Hillel International's Israel guidelines privilege only one perspective on Zionism, and make others unwelcome."

Protest Israel’s Escalation of Violence
The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN) condemns Israel’s escalation of violence, as well as the revenge threats by the Israeli government and citizens and Zionist organizations and public figures. We denounce Western states and media claiming this brutality is somehow justified retribution for the deaths of three Jewish settlers from the racist, Jewish-only colony of Gush Etzion in the West Bank of Palestine. In the space of just a few days, the Gaza Strip has been indiscriminately bombarded by warplanes; upwards of 600 Palestinians have been rounded up and imprisoned, and at least ten Palestinians have been killed—including several children, a pregnant mother, and a seventeen-year old boy whose burnt, mutilated body was found dumped in a forest outside East Jerusalem. These actions expose the terrorism of a racist settler-colonial state. IJAN stands in solidarity with the Palestinian people and defends their right to resist the violence of colonialism and apartheid. It is urgent that we act: Over the next week, please organize rallies, protests, actions, demonstrations and vigils to protest this latest escalation of Israeli violence.





Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities