Stop the Jewish National Fund Campaign

Stop the Jewish National Fund is an international campaign aimed at ending the role of the Jewish National Fund (Keren Kayemet LeIsrael/JNF-KKL) in:

*the on-going displacement of indigenous Palestinians from their land

*the theft of their property

*the funding of historic and present day colonies, and

*the destruction of the natural environment

The Stop the JNF campaign in Canada has recently had some successes. Since a story critical of the JNF was published on the Canadian Broadcasting Company and a parliamentary petition posted on 9 January 2019 in support of the complaint filed to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and to Ministers of National Revenue, Noam Chomsky and Diana Buttu signed among the 1400 signers.

JNF canada has finally put out a statement and here is an Independent Jewish Voices op-ep in the times of israel in support of Stop the JNF – Canada.

The JNF continues to serve as a global fundraiser for Israeli ethnic cleansing, occupation and apartheid. Despite its historic role in a State institution of Israel (the Israel Land Authority) and in institutionalized racism and apartheid, the JNF and its affiliate organizations enjoy charitable status in over 50 countries and many also enjoy consultative status with the United Nations. In addition to the ongoing struggles against the JNF-KKL in Palestine, the campaign is underway in Canada, France, Britain, South Africa and the United States.

The film Enduring Roots: Over a Century of Resistance to the Jewish National Fund directed by Alex Safron details the history and workings of the Jewish National Fund as well as historic and ongoing Palestinian resistance to the colonization of their land. Click here for more information or to arrange a screening.

Download Stop the Jewish National Fund E-Book: Volume 4:


Plant-a-Tree in Palestine: a joint project of the Middle East Children’s Alliance, Stop the Wall, the Palestinian Farmer’s Union, and the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network.

Visit Fallen Donors Renounce Our Role in the JNF to see powerful testimony from former donors about why they now commit to exposing and confronting the JNF.

Stop the JNF Rally NYC – 09/18/16
Let the JNF know,  they are NOT WELCOME in NYC!  Join us for a rally on Sunday, September 18 at their National Conference in NYC or spread the word to those in the area Join the Stop the JNF campaign and its partners, the US Palestinian Community Network, American Muslims for Palestine, the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, the US Campaign to End the Israeli ... Stop the JNF Rally NYC – 09/18/16

Stop The JNF Days of Action 2016
The Stop the JNF Campaign is calling for activists for Palestinian rights to take action between March 30 (Land Day) and April 18 (Tax Day) to amplify efforts targeting the Jewish National Fund for its role in the ongoing displacement of Palestinians from their land. The JNF enjoys tax-exempt status as a charitable organization in ... Stop The JNF Days of Action 2016

IJAN Presents at Left Forum
Members of IJAN attended the Left Forum in New York andpresented two workshops. On Saturday IJAN members presented on theinternational Stop the Jewish National Fund Campaign featuring participationfrom the U.S. and Canada. On Sunday, IJAN presented with Al Awda - NY, the NationalLawyers Guild - NY, the Center for Constitutional Rights, and the Malcolm XGrassroots Movement on Israel's Worldwide Role in Repression.

Plant-a-Tree Delegation Report #3
Hello everyone, Writing from Jerusalem with update # 3. The refugee camp next to Dheisheh is Aida. It is home to 5,000 refugees from 27 villages in one half square kilometer. We began walking in the first foot of snow Bethlehem has seen in 20 years. Or was it the first six inches in 7 ... Plant-a-Tree Delegation Report #3

IJAN member screens film on Stop the JNF for Nakba and Return film festival


While part of this year's Stop the JNF Campaign's Plant-a-Tree inPalestine delegation, Alex Safron gathered tens of hours of film footage. Heused that footage to create a documentary exposing the ongoing role of the JNFin the colonization of Palestine and also the growing resistance to it. Creatinga documentary presents an opportunity for the rest of the world to see thereality of what is taking place and experience the importance of supporting onthe ground resistance to continuing village destruction and environmentaldestruction in Palestine. Planting Resistance to the Jewish National Fund:112 Years will premiere at the Nakba and Return International Film Festival hosted by Zochrot in Tel Aviv November 28-30.

Day of Rage: Stop Prawer

Stop Prawer Plan: Day of Action November 30th (fromthe Palestinian BDS movement website):

"On 24th of June, the Israeli Knesset approved the Prawer-Begin plan,which if implemented will result in the destruction of more than 35unrecognized villages in Al-Naqab and the forced expulsion and confinement ofmore than 70,000 Palestinian Bedouins. The Prawer plan is the largest Israeliland-grab since 1948. It epitomizes the nature of Israel's policy;Israeli-Jewish demographic expansion and Palestinian-Arab demographiccontainment."

The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement has put out a call for a Day ofRage and action against the Prawer Plan and the Jewish National Fund, a funderand leader in the effort. The Stop the JNF Campaign supports the call for a Dayof Action on November 30th by calling for TWO DAYS OF ACTION on November 29th,called Black Friday in the U.S., and November 30th.

JOINUS IN HANDING OUT THE DOWNLOADABLE FLYER toeducate people about the role of the Jewish national fund - U.S. in the forceddisplacement of the Bedouin and attempt to settle their land by relocating over250,000 Jews from the united states. Encourage them to take action by signingthe downloadable petition.

The Day of Rage is being called for by Stop the JNF Campaign member groups - the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, the US Palestinian Community Network and the Middle East Children Alliance.

If you are planning an education/outreach activity, pleaseemail us at, so we can promote itand let those who put out the call from Palestine know about the solidarityactions.

Please also sign and forward this electronic petition.

4-up Flyer Download Front (click here)
4-up Flyer Download Back (click here)

Petition Download (click here)






Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities