Stop the Jewish National Fund Campaign

Stop the Jewish National Fund is an international campaign aimed at ending the role of the Jewish National Fund (Keren Kayemet LeIsrael/JNF-KKL) in:

*the on-going displacement of indigenous Palestinians from their land

*the theft of their property

*the funding of historic and present day colonies, and

*the destruction of the natural environment

The Stop the JNF campaign in Canada has recently had some successes. Since a story critical of the JNF was published on the Canadian Broadcasting Company and a parliamentary petition posted on 9 January 2019 in support of the complaint filed to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and to Ministers of National Revenue, Noam Chomsky and Diana Buttu signed among the 1400 signers.

JNF canada has finally put out a statement and here is an Independent Jewish Voices op-ep in the times of israel in support of Stop the JNF – Canada.

The JNF continues to serve as a global fundraiser for Israeli ethnic cleansing, occupation and apartheid. Despite its historic role in a State institution of Israel (the Israel Land Authority) and in institutionalized racism and apartheid, the JNF and its affiliate organizations enjoy charitable status in over 50 countries and many also enjoy consultative status with the United Nations. In addition to the ongoing struggles against the JNF-KKL in Palestine, the campaign is underway in Canada, France, Britain, South Africa and the United States.

The film Enduring Roots: Over a Century of Resistance to the Jewish National Fund directed by Alex Safron details the history and workings of the Jewish National Fund as well as historic and ongoing Palestinian resistance to the colonization of their land. Click here for more information or to arrange a screening.

Download Stop the Jewish National Fund E-Book: Volume 4:


Plant-a-Tree in Palestine: a joint project of the Middle East Children’s Alliance, Stop the Wall, the Palestinian Farmer’s Union, and the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network.

Visit Fallen Donors Renounce Our Role in the JNF to see powerful testimony from former donors about why they now commit to exposing and confronting the JNF.

Plant-a-Tree Delegation Report #1

This is the first in a series of updates from IJAN participants in the Stop the JNF Campaign and the Plant-a-Tree Delgation.

The Plant-A-Tree in Palestine Project is a joint project of the Middle East Children's Alliance, Stop the Wall, the Palestinian Farmer's Union, and the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network to support the on-going struggle of Palestinians to rebuild by providing resources for villages to plant trees that are indigenous to Palestine'snatural environment and agricultural life. Participants in the delegation will plant the trees with community members joined by their fellow Palestinians. They will spend a day replanting trees in villages and homes that had their trees uprooted by the Israeli military and/or the Jewish National Fund.

Return to the website to view further updates.

Land Defense Delegation to Palestine
The Stop the JNF Campaign is Organizing a Land Defense Delegation to Palestine in spring of 2015. View and download the flyer here. Campaign and delegation goals: Build connections between the Stop the Jewish National Fund Campaign and diverse land based, indigenous sovereignty, and environmental justice struggles; Introduce organizers working on these struggles to their counterparts in Palestine for longer term joint struggle efforts, including the Stop the JNF campaign.

Greenwashing Apartheid: Stop the JNF E-Book V. 4
From the Introduction: The goal of this JNF eBook is to show how Israeli settler colonialism and apartheid are served by and depend on the environmental racism and destructiveness of the Jewish National Fund (JNF). The struggle for home, land and justice by Palestinians is understood as inherently connected to struggles around the world against historic and contemporary forms of colonialism and racism, against militarism and war, and against foreign interventions, including in Southwest Asia/North Africa. Understanding the environmental racism practiced by the JNF also helps us to see how the Palestinian struggle is integral to movements for environmental justice and ecological sanity. JNFeBookVol4

People’s Climate Mobilization and Stop the JNF Update
In light of the People's Climate Mobilization (PCM) in New York City during the weekend of September 21, said to have been the largest climate justice march in history with over 400,000 attendees, it is important to recognize the shifting landscape of the environmental movement. From a movement that has been largely white and middle class, there is an emerging movement that recognizes the importance of centering the leadership and issues of people of color and poor people most impacted by the climate crisis. Equally imperative, the framing of environmental issues should always include anti-colonial struggles and indigenous rights and sovereignty, as concerns over the environment can never be separated from indigenous struggles for land, resources and decolonization, as was laid out very clearly by indigenous organizers and activists of the PCM. In the PCM’s effort to cast a wide net and include a broad range of people and groups concerned about climate change, it also brought in some organizations that do not belong in movements advancing an agenda of environmental and social justice. The PCM put out a statement explaining that it “will bring together a spectrum of people with a broad range of perspectives." Yet the net was cast so wide that it attracted Zionist organizations to participate in the climate justice rally, including the Green Zionist Alliance (GZA), a classic greenwashing organization, whose stated purpose is "to educate and mobilize people around the world for Israel's environment [and] to protect Israel's environment," which includes "planting millions of trees" in Israel.

Two New Resources to Stop the JNF
In recognition of Land Day, the Stop the Jewish National Fund (JNF) Campaign has released two new tools to support stopping the JNF: •A documentary produced by the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network Enduring Roots: Over a Century of Resistance to the Jewish National Fund, directed by Alex Safron, co-produced by Sara Kershnar. •A printable version ... Two New Resources to Stop the JNF

DOCUMENTARY FILM “Enduring Roots: Over a Century of Resistance to the Jewish National Fund”
Enduring Roots: Over a Century of Resistance to the Jewish National Fund" is a 40-minute documentary chronicling stories of al-Nakba survivors, interviews with their descendants the Right of Return for Palestinian refugees, and the current and growing resistance to the ongoing colonization of Palestine facilitated in large part by the Jewish National Fund.





Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities