Chapters & Sectors

IJAN Argentina participa junto al Comité Argentino de Solidaridad con el Pueblo Palestino (COARSPP) en campañas de denuncia y protesta contra las políticas de limpieza étnica y apartheid israelí.

IJAN Argentina participates in the Committee of Solidarity with the Palestinian People of Argentina (COARSPP), which consists of dozens of grassroots anti-imperialist and human rights organizations in Argentina.

The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network in Canada has members in Toronto and Hamilton, Ontario. IJAN Canada members work closely with other local Palestine Solidarity organizations. IJAN Canada works to expose Canada’s role in supporting the ethnic cleansing of Palestine and how it relates to the Canadian state’s ongoing genocide against the Indigenous peoples on Turtle Island.

The people involved in IJAN do it from a political anti-Zionist stance. Most of us are activists with other organizations in the Palestine solidarity movement and solidarity struggles with migrants in France. We are part of a large movement dedicated to fighting Islamophobia and racism which is deeply linked to Zionist aggression supported by the West.

IJAN is represented in three main regions in Spain, Galicia (Vigo), Madrid and Catalonia (Barcelona). Our main activities are participating in the State Network of Organisations Working in Solidarity with Palestine (RESCOP), which focuses on building BDS at the Spanish and European levels.

PRESS RELEASE: 18 June 2018 ‘The BOD doesn’t speak for us.’ An open letter to the Board of Deputies of British Jews from Jewish people Today we have sent an Open Letter to the BOD, signed by 75 (currently 105) Jewish people in the UK, appalled that it supports the continuing Israeli massacre of Palestinian…

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To be Anti-Racist, you must be Anti-Zionist The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network applauds Dr. Angela Davis’ uncompromising commitment to liberation for all people. We see in the recent revocation by the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute of Dr. Angela Davis’ honorary award a renewed effort to discredit activists, academics, and anyone else who aligns…

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The International Jewish anti-Zionist Network was very happy to hear that the student-workers in the University of California system endorsed the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) call through their local union, UAW 2865. This was the first time a major union – in this case, one representing over 14,000 workers – voted to support the BDS call, an inspiring example of grassroots union-based solidarity.

The International Jewish anti-Zionist Network was very happy to hear that the student-workers in the University of California system endorsed the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) call through their local union, UAW 2865. This was the first time a major union – in this case, one representing over 14,000 workers – voted to support the BDS call, an inspiring example of grassroots union-based solidarity.





Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities