
The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network in Canada has members in Toronto and Hamilton, Ontario. IJAN Canada members work closely with other local Palestine Solidarity organizations. IJAN Canada works to expose Canada’s role in supporting the ethnic cleansing of Palestine and how it relates to the Canadian state’s ongoing genocide against the Indigenous peoples on Turtle Island.

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Canada: Work Moving Forward

Several PSM activists from Canadawent to the First National Jewish anti-Zionist gathering in Detroit, June19-22, 2010. One of the many excellent workshops we attended offeredopportunities to learn more about the Jewish National Fund and possible organizingstrategies. IJAN-Canada will be working to build on the research being done inboth the U.S. and Canada. There is a good deal of information regardingthe JNF and CanadaPark available and welook forward to collaborating with others here to put together an effectiveeducation campaign.

Ongoing: Three Day Continuous Protest at Israeli Consulate in Toronto 24/7 – 26/7
Continuous Protest at the Israeli Consulate in Toronto 180 Bloor Street West Across from the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) Stop the Bombardment of Gaza Boycott Israeli Apartheid Free Palestine On 24 July 2014, starting at 9 am, people of conscience, including Muslims, Jews, and Christians, are coming together at the Israeli consulate in Toronto for a three day continuous vigil to call attention to the frightening slaughter of the Palestinian people in Gaza and condemn both the Israeli government and the complicity of Canada. We demand that the Canadian government and the international community call for an immediate cessation of Israel’s assault against Palestinians in Gaza.

IJAN Joins With IJV and UJPO to Condemn the Defacing of a Toronto Mosque
Below is an Open letter from Independent Jewish Voices, the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network--Canada, and the United Jewish People's Order, Toronto to the members of the Ja'ffari Mosque condemning the defacing of the mosque and the hateful targeting of Arabs and Muslims: To the members of the Ja’ffari Mosque: We condemn in the strongest possible terms the threats and hateful graffiti targeting Muslims and Arabs that were left on the Ja'ffari Mosque in Thornhill. These racist attacks echo the ongoing violence and assaults in Gaza, the West Bank, and in Israel against Palestinians and those Israeli Jews who dare to criticise the policies of the Israeli state. Independent Jewish Voices Canada, the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network Canada, and the United Jewish People’s Order, Toronto wish to express our solidarity with our Muslim and Arab brothers and sisters and call for restraint and respect from Jewish communities at this difficult moment. These acts are abhorrent and do not represent all Jews. Moreover, they go against the Jewish teachings most of us grew up with which urged us to "love thy neighbor as thyself". Our own histories of oppression should be what guides us: Never again for anyone!

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Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities