Les survivants juifs, leurs descendants et les victimes du génocide Nazi, condamnent sans équivoque le massacre des Palestiniens de Gaza
En tant que survivants, descendants juifs et des victimes du génocide Nazi nous condamnons sans équivoque le massacre des Palestiniens de Gaza et la continuation de l'occupation et la colonisation de la Palestine historique. De plus, nous condamnons les États-Unis qui fournissent financièrement Israël afin de continuer ses attaques ainsi que les états occidentaux en ... Les survivants juifs, leurs descendants et les victimes du génocide Nazi, condamnent sans équivoque le massacre des Palestiniens de Gaza
IJAN Update on Confronting the Jewish National Fund

IJAN is increasing its efforts to confront the JewishNational Fund (JNF) in concert with a number of partners.  This paper clarifies IJAN's position withinthe widening field of actors engaged in confronting the JNF.   

IJAN-TC workshops at two upcoming conferences

These are two exciting conferences approaching, to be held in the Twin Cities:

Overcoming Racism: Recognizing & Challenging the Legacies That Oppress Us

October 29 & 30, 2010William Mitchell College of Law, St. Paul, MNhttp://www.overcomingracism.org/

IJAN-TC members will be presenting the workshop Unlearning Zionism: What Anti-Racist Activists Need to Know

on Saturday, October 30th at 12:30

We’ll use experiential education to explore how the dominant discourse around Palestine, Israel and Zionism upholds institutionalized racism. We will learn about different colonial projects and place the issue of Palestinian Sovereignty in the context of imperialism, further contextualizing the struggle in Palestine as an Indigenous struggle. Anti-racist activists will be invited to connect their own work to the Anti-Zionist Palestine Solidarity Movement.


Minnesota OUT! Campus ConferenceUniting for Justice: A Deeper Look into Race, Economics and Immigration in GLBTQ CommunitiesNovember 12-14, 2010 at Augsburg College in Minneapolishttp://www.mncampusalliance.org/mocc/

IJAN-TC members will be presenting the workshop The Co-optation of Queer Liberation; Pinkwashing, Palestine and our joint struggles

on Saturday November 13th

The language and ideology of Queer Liberation is currently being used bythe US and Israeli governments to mask racism and colonialism. During this workshop we will define Queer Liberation and identify the intersections in our personal struggles with the struggles of others. Wewill then discuss what is solidarity, and how we work against Islamophobia and for Indigenous sovereignty, here and in Palestine.





Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities