Palestinian Human Rights Activist Omar Barghouti addressed a standing-room only crowd as he condemned Israel's basic denial of Palestinians' right to water and renewed the call for an international campaign of boycott, divestment, and sanctions against Israeli apartheid. The event at Loyola Law School in LA's Pico Union neighborhood formally launched the "Thirsting for Justice" campaign, which attempts to redress the question of water rights in Palestine by taking aim at an agreement between the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power and Israel water technology company called Kinrot. Barghouti spoke at length about Palestinian access to water, citing a just-released Amnesty International report. He also made a strong case why people in Los Angeles and around the US who stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people must take up the boycott/divestment/sanctions movement (BDS) as a central piece of their work.
The event was organized by BDS-LA, a new grassroots coalition dedicated to building the movement for boycott, domestic and sanctions in LA and co-founded in June, 2009 by IJAN-LA, the LA Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild, and the Campaign to End Israel Apartheid-Southern California. BDS-LA developed the Thirsting for Justice campaign after discovering a preliminary agreement between the city's water department and the Israel water company -- an agreement directly linked to a trip of Los Angeles political leaders to Israel to promote relations between Los Angeles and Israel. BDS-LA members argue that Los Angeles should not be doing business with companies directly linked to Israeli apartheid. The campaign calls on the city to dispense with any plan to carry forward the preliminary agreement and to commit not to engage in any further business collaboration with Israel around water issues.
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