Petition in support of BDS

Recently the David Horowitz Freedom Foundation published a dangerous and slanderous ad in the New York Times. The ad invokes the Nazi holocaust in order to attack supporters of BDS including several professors. Jews of conscience and others who share a similar commitment to justice must speak out in defense of justice for Palestinians and against such defilement and misuse of the holocaust.

David Horowitz and his money have been involved in attempts to undermine the Palestinian struggle and promote hatred against Muslims and Arabs throughout the country. Whether through funding the campaign to oppose the Park51 Islamic Community Center in Manhattan or through alleging that the Muslim Student Association is an extremist group, Horowitz took upon himself to foster the climate of intolerance and fear that leads to dehumanization and ends in persecution, apartheid and racism across history.

We are alarmed that New York Times, in breach of its own decency guidelines, would promote such open bigotry and character assassination.

This slanderous attack on proponents of BDS reveals that our movement is gaining strength, and that the opposition to BDS recognizes this.

Help us reach out to the broadest possible audience with a clear statement that draws the true moral lessons of the holocaust, “Never again for anyone!”, and asserts our commitment to justice for Palestinians and all targets of racism.

Please sign the petition below.

After signing, please contribute USD    to publishing an ad carrying this petition’s text in a widely distributed, national newspaper.

Text of Petition

No Israeli Funding of the Arts
IJAN is centrally involved in the No Israeli Funding of the Arts initiative – we want everyone we are in touch with to know that the UKJFF (UK Jewish Film Festival) is taking place this year in cinemas in Glasgow, Leeds, London, Manchester and Nottingham, between 6-23 November. We have written to all the cinemas – see our letter below – and we are asking that you contact your local (or even a distant) cinema by phone, email website, leaflet or street protest, and let them know what you think of them hosting an Israeli-funded event. (All cinema contact details are at end of this email.) Call or write to the local press or call-in radio to tell them what you think of their not caring for Jewish films, only for the Israeli rebranding. (See below.) Check the UKJFF calendar to find when each cinema is hosting UKJFF films. The opening gala night is at the London BFI on 6 November – we are planning to protest their collaboration with the slaughterers of the Gazan people.
Statement of Solidarity on Land Day 2012 and the Global March on Jerusalem

Yesterday, March 30th, was land day, a day on which we remember the six Palestinian martyrs murdered by the Israeli forces in 1976, while protesting peacefully against the confiscation of land and the Judaization of the Galilee.

Land day is a signpost in the struggle against the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians that happens every day. Since 1976, over 50 Palestinians protesters were killed on Land Day alone. The confiscation of land and the effort to drive Palestinians out of Palestine and out of their homes and neighborhoods continue very day, and are particularly intense in Jerusalem. In Jerusalem, Palestinians suffer brutal oppression, their homes are subject to demolitions and confiscation, their right to live in their city is denied and the apartheid wall strangles their neighborhoods. The wall is another way in which Israel assaults life every day.

The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network salutes the courage and steadfastness of the Palestinian people and stands in solidarity with the grassroots Palestinian struggle for land, liberty and selfdetermination. Yesterday was a day of unity, protest, anger, and resistance throughout Palestine. We stand in solidarity with the protesters. We condemn utterly the illegitimate use force by the Israeli army and police against unarmed protesters.





Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities