Hajo Meyer in the Huffington Post: 'An Ethical Tradition Betrayed'
I was 20 years old when Auschwitz was liberated by the Soviet army 55 years ago. This occurred just in time because 10 months imprisonment in Auschwitz-Gleiwitz-1 had weakened me considerably. One needed a hell of a lot of luck in order to survive that long under the circumstances in that camp.

Two important components of luck were on my side. First, during my first years as a refugee kid in the Netherlands I had learned to be a locksmith. So during the very strong winter of '44-'45 I worked in the warmth of a factory. Second, I had acquired a very good and completely trustworthy friend, called Jos. We helped each other as much as possible. The two of us did indeed survive.

Another aspect of my friendship with Jos was that in spite of -- or better, due to -- the extremely high number of people per square foot in such a camp, one felt extremely lonely. Because of our friendship, mutual help and absolute mutual trust we were not lonely. This was vital to our psychological survival.

Psychological survival is at least as important as physical survival. In fact, the Nazi concentration camps were their attempt to dehumanize us Jews. If a prisoner became part of the oppression system by being Kapo, the dehumanization would be successful. Obviously, the non-Jewish members of the oppression system were also no longer fully human. I realized there that anybody from a dominating group who tries to dehumanize people from a minority group, can only do so if by education, indoctrination and propaganda he has already been dehumanized himself, independent of the uniform he wears.

It is a deep tragedy that in Israel this is not what one concludes from the experiences in Auschwitz. To the contrary, Auschwitz is elevated there into a new religion.    
Appeal from Mizrahi/Arab-Jews in Palestine/Israel
To our ArabJewish Mizrahi sisters and brothers who suffer from racism within the Zionistspace of Palestine/Israel:We callon you to sign with us this appeal to the leaders of the world and inparticular to the governments of the Arab countries for the purpose of ending theblockade of Gaza and the oppression in the West Bank, and ... Appeal from Mizrahi/Arab-Jews in Palestine/Israel
IJAN Participates in Gaza Solidarity Activities in Cairo

IJAN has a delegates from France and the U.S. - New York City, Twin Cities-Minnesota, and Chicago - participating in the Gaza Freedom March.

 In addition, IJAN Bay Area and Toronto are participating in local Gaza anniversary actions and marches in solidarity with the 50,000 Palestinians marching in Gaza on December 31st.






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