International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (Bay Area) invites you to join us for
Legacies of Resistancea community Passover Seder dinnerWednesday, March 31 (CésarChávez Day) :: 6pmLake Merrit United Methodist Church(1255 1st Ave at International Blvd, Oakland)
Dinnerwill be served.$10-50 sliding scale ($25 donation suggested), no one turned away for lack
Funds raised will benefit
IJAN and
Middle East Children's Alliance.
If you are unable to attend, but would still like to contribute, please use the RSVP form below.Our capacity is limited, so please make your reservation early.Click here to RSVP (preferred), email,or call (510) 343.6065.
All are welcome.Childcare will be available with advance notice (please note with RSVP).
About IJAN:IJAN is a growing international network
of Jews whose Jewish identities are not based on Zionism but on a plurality
of histories and experiences. We share a commitment to participation in thelegacy
of struggles against colonization and imperialism. As such, we struggle against Zionism and its manifestation in the State
of Israel's historic and ongoing ethnic cleansing
ofthe Palestinian people and the confiscation
oftheir land.
www.ijsn.netAbout MECA:Founded in 1988, the Middle East Children'sAlliance is a registered nonprofit organization working for the rightsand the well being
of children in the Middle East. MECA sends shipments
ofaid to Palestine, Iraq and Lebanon, and supports projects that makelife better for the children. We educate North Americans about childrenin the region and the brutal impact
ofUS foreign policy on their lives. MECA welcomes the support
of all people who care about children and their future.
www.mecaforpeace.orgA note about food: Food served will be"Kosher-for-Passover Style" -- it will generally not contain prohibitedgrains/foods, though may not all be certified Kosher. Additionally,remember that different cultural traditions -- Ashkenazi, Sephardi,Mizrahi -- observe Pesach differently, and therefore certain foods mayvary from what you are accustomed to.