Israel's Batsheva Dance Group Protested Nationwide as part of PACBI

Batsheva Dance company, on tour form Israel, scheduled three performances in February as part of their 2012 North American tour at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco. Bay area organizations and members of Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN), Mondoweiss, Code Pink, Global Exchange and the Palestine Solidarity Network came out to protest Batsheva participating in the "Brand Israel" campaign. The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs considers Batsheva "the best known global ambassador of Israeli culture." Protesters were supporting the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, which is part of the growing movement for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) on apartheid Israel.

Also this month, protesters gathered outside Roosevelt University Auditorium Theater in Chicago to voice opposition to Batsheva's presence. In New York earlier this month, protesters 80 strong showed up to let Batsheva know they were not welcome at the Brooklyn Academy of Music because of their complicity with Israeli human right's violations. Demonstrations happening across the U.S. succeeds in letting supporters of Israeli sponsored cultural affairs know that the show will not go on unprotested. Though Batsheva is touring around the U.S., Palestinian artists are regularly banned from performing in their own homeland and are targets of violence, arrests and deportation.

A member of Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism (QUIT) wrote an in depth article on about the San Francisco action protesting Batsheva.




Chicago IJAN Stands in Solidarity with Hunger Striking Prisoners
A small band of IJAN Chicago members and friends passed out flyers from the Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa'adat to streams of commuters in front of the Israeli consulate on the morning of Friday, October 7, 2011.
Yom Kippur, 2011 (5772): Call-to-Action

As we welcomethe Jewish new year, we look back at the year behind us to address ourcomplicity in the many injustices of our time by recommitting to our collectiveresponsibility for justice and humanity. In particular, we reflect on the commonplight and struggle of political prisoners and the many people across the worldwhose dignity is denied and liberty is threatened by mass incarceration andmilitary blockades.

We are inspiredin our struggle for justice by the sacrifice and courage of so many in the yearbehind us - the late Troy Anthony Davis, the Georgia prison strikers, Mumia AbuJamal, Ahmad Sa'adat, Leonard Peltier, the people of Gazaconfined to an open-air prison - and in front of us: the Palestinian prisonersand those jailed at Pelican Bay State Prison and other California prisons onhunger strike and carrying out civil disobedience in defense of the most basicof dignity and rights.

On September30, 2011, Palestinians across occupied Palestine - from the West Bank to theState of Israel to Gaza - put out a call for solidarity with Palestinianpolitical prisoners.  In response to this call, we Jews of conscience intend to startour fast of atonement a day early, on Friday, October 7, and take action todemand:




Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities