EI: Event honoring Edward Said prompts Zionist smear campaign against SF State students By Nora Barrows-Friedman, Tuesday 11/26/2013 An anti-Palestinian group is mounting an attack against students at San Francisco State University. Following an on-campus event honoring a mural of the late Palestinian scholar Edward Said, the group asserted that an artistic stencil glorified "the murder of Jews." The university's president, at the urging of pro-Israel advocates, ... EI: Event honoring Edward Said prompts Zionist smear campaign against SF State students
Interview with Liliana Córdova Kaczerginski
Founding member of the International JewishAnti-Zionist Network. A daughter of survivors of World War II, she hasbecome engaged in an intense fight, on the theoretical and the practical level,to reveal the true colonial and exclusivist nature of the Zionist project ofthe State of Israel.

Zionism,Judaism, Israel... these are concepts that often get mixed up. Why is this?

These ideas are not easy to understand since theZionist project was conceived and implemented by Jewish people. Zionism is apolitical doctrine, and Judaism is a religion, a culture, and an identity.Like many doctrines, Zionism pretends to be the only ideology of Jewish people,claiming to represent all Jews. What's more, once the State of Israel wasdeclared, the authorities there began to use these words and ideasinterchangeably. For example, they speak in the name of all Jewish people inthe world when the Government of Israel is elected by Israeli citizens. TheJewish community outside of Israel is much larger and does not participate inIsraeli elections. Speaking on behalf of all Jews like this manifests itselfeverywhere; Israel also emphasizes an ethnic link to the ancient Hebrews, whichis without scientific basis (as proven by historians and archaeologists), andis advancing a vernacular history that leads all the way back to the OldTestament in an effort to provide historical legitimacy to the Zionist project.

IJAN Attends Big Mountain/Black Mesa Gathering to Build Joint Struggle with Din

ThisJune, two IJAN U.S. organizers attended a gathering held at Big Mountain/Black Mesa that focused ondecolonization. Big Mountain/Black Mesa is a portion of the ancestralhomeland of the Diné (Navajo) people who since the 1970's havebeen resisting relocation by Peabody Coal and the U.S. Government overcoal extraction.

Thegathering, organized by Black Mesa Indigenous Supportin collaboration with the community of resisters on Black Mesa,sought to lay groundwork for joint struggle by bringing together organizationsworking on the front lines of anti-colonial struggles, as well as alliedorganizations. 




Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities