
Launch Plans

The UK IJAN will hold a press conference for October2nd at 11am Greenwich Standard Time to announce the network and its foundingCharter. On October 24th there will be a public meeting to hearresponses to the Charter and to begin a discussion of regional strategy. Apress release will be out shortly.

If you are interested in either of these events, pleasecontact us at

Launch Plans

Look for the Charteracross listserves, in community newspapers, in Left publications and in on-linejournals.

Launch events willbe happening in locations across the United States, includinganti-Zionist tashlich services in honor of the high holidays, rallies and pressconferences in front of Zionist institutions, stickering of stores sellingIsraeli products, and educational events.

Please continue tovisit this page for updates on and reports from our October Month of Action inhonor of the launch of the network.

UK Press Release Announcing IJAN Charter

Press launch:


FoundingCharter of the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network

Thursday,2 October, 11am

Crossroads Women’s Centre ,230a Kentish Town Road,NW5 2AB
(Entrance on Caversham Rd , KentishTown , wheelchair accessible)


Desarrollo de la Región

Estamosformando la Red IJAN en Latinoamérica para conectar Judíos anti-Sionistas de laregión. La Red IJAN espera aliarse con los movimientos sociales yanti-imperialistas en la región para enfrentar al Sionismo.

Laprimera actividad de la Red IJAN en la región fue escribir una carta a MercedesSosa para solicitar su apoyo al llamamiento de los movimientos palestinos porel boicot cultural de Israel y cancele sus próximos conciertos en Israel. Presione aquí para leer la carta.

Aliadose Iniciativas Regionales

Federaciónde Entidades Argentino Palestinas


About Us

We are building IJAN in LatinAmerica to connect anti-Zionist Jews across the region. IJAN hopes to build with the growing anti-imperialist and social movementsin Latin America to confront Zionism.

The Network’s first activity in the region was to write aletter to Mercedes Sosa to demand she support for the Palestinian call forcultural boycott of Israel and cancel her upcoming concerts in Israel. Click here to read the letter.

Regional Partners and Initiatives

Federación de Entidades Argentino Palestinas

Letter to the Canadian Museum of Civilization

The Jewish National Fund is holding is annual Negev fund-raising dinner at Canada’s Museum of Civilization next Monday, Nov. 24. Yhe JNF is an organization committed to and implicated in the ethniccleansing of Palestine.

About 500,000 of the 625,000 acres of land owned by the JNF were confiscated from Palestinians fleeing war in 1948, and were not purchased with contributions from Jews around the world as the JNF claims. Before 1953, Israel transferred ownership of this land to the JNF for the sole use of Jews.

 "Canada Park," which is maintained through JNF-Canada contributions, is built on the site of three Palestinian villages captured in 1967, whose 10,000 peaceful residents were expelled and all their homes razed to the ground.

The JNF is raising money for the  development of the ‘Negev’. The purpose of this money is to complete the dispossession of the Negev’s Bedouins. The money will go to Jewish only settlements. 

This is what “Negev Development” funded by the JNF looks like in Khashm Zanna, an unrecognized Bedouin village in the Negev.

Please write to  express your dismay to:

Dr. Victor Rabinovitch
President and CEO
Canadian Museum of Civilization
Gatineau, Quebec
Fax 819-776-7122


 Below the fold is IJAN’s letter. 



Charter of the International Jewish anti-Zionist Network

We are an international network of Jews who are uncompromisingly committedto struggles for human emancipation, of which the liberation of the Palestinianpeople and land is an indispensable part. Our commitment is to the dismantlingof Israeli apartheid, the return of Palestinian refugees, and the ending of theIsraeli colonization of historic Palestine. FromPoland to Iraq, from Argentinato Charter of the International Jewish anti-Zionist Network

IJAN discusses Name and Logo

Name and Logo The Network is beginning a search for a symbolic name and logo to adopt by launch. The Network’s symbolic name would be an identity holder that we pour meaning into, and that with time comes to embody this meaning.  What meanings might we want to convey with our symbolic name? Change or IJAN discusses Name and Logo

Charter Discussed at European Social Forum

Débat : « La situation actuelle en Palestineet quel mouvement de solidarité avec la Palestine »

Participants : Omar Soumi deGénération Palestine, CCIPPP (Missions civiles), l’Union Juive Française pourla Paix (UJFP), Tawfik Tahani de l’AFPS, Mohamad Sharqawi de l’Union Généraledes Etudiants de Palestine, Walid Atallah de l’association des Palestiniens enFrance, Liliana Cordova présentera la campagne Boycott.

Forum Social des Quartiers Populaires, Programme de l’Espace Palestine

Samedi 5 octobre 2008, 14h

Palestinian Civil Society Calls for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel

One year after the historic AdvisoryOpinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) which found Israel’s Wall built on occupied Palestinianterritory to be illegal; Israelcontinues its construction of the colonial Wall with total disregard to theCourt’s decision. Thirty eight years into Israel’soccupation of the Palestinian West Bank (including East Jerusalem), Gaza Stripand the Syrian Golan Heights, Israelcontinues to expand Jewish colonies. It has unilaterally annexed occupied EastJerusalem and the Golan Heights and is now de facto annexing large parts of theWest Bank by means of the Wall.

Israel is also preparing – in the shadow ofits planned redeployment from the Gaza Strip – to build and expand colonies inthe West Bank. Fifty seven years after thestate of Israelwas built mainly on land ethnically cleansed of its Palestinian owners, amajority of Palestinians are refugees, most of whom are stateless. Moreover, Israel’sentrenched system of racial discrimination against its own Arab-Palestiniancitizens remains intact.

In light of Israel’s persistent violations ofinternational law, and

Given that, since 1948, hundreds of UNresolutions have condemned Israel’s colonial and discriminatory policies asillegal and called for immediate, adequate and effective remedies, and

Given that all forms of internationalintervention and peace-making have until now failed to convince or force Israelto comply with humanitarian law, to respect fundamental human rights and to endits occupation and oppression of the people of Palestine, and

In view of the fact that people of consciencein the international community have historically shouldered the moralresponsibility to fight injustice, as exemplified in the struggle to abolishapartheid in South Africa through diverse forms of boycott, divestment andsanctions;

Inspired by the struggle of SouthAfricans against apartheid and in the spirit of international solidarity, moralconsistency and resistance to injustice and oppression,

We,representatives of Palestinian civil society, call upon international civilsociety organizations and people of conscience all over the world to imposebroad boycotts and implement divestment initiatives against Israel similar to those applied to South Africain the apartheid era. We appeal to you to pressure your respective states toimpose embargoes and sanctions against Israel. We also inviteconscientious Israelis to support this Call, for the sake of justice andgenuine peace.

These non-violent punitive measuresshould be maintained until Israelmeets its obligation to recognize the Palestinian people’s inalienable right toself-determination and fully complies with the precepts of international lawby:

  1. Ending its occupation and colonization of all Arab lands and dismantling the Wall;
  2. Recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and
  3. Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN resolution 194.


The Palestinian political parties,unions, associations, coalitions and organizations below represent the threeintegral parts of the people of Palestine:Palestinian refugees, Palestinians under occupation and Palestinian citizens ofIsrael.


Unions,Associations, Campaigns

1. Council of National and IslamicForces in Palestine

(coordinating body forthe major political parties in the OccupiedPalestinian Territory)

2. Palestinian Independent Commission forCitizen’s Rights (PICCR)

3. Union of Arab Community BasedAssociations (ITTIJAH), Haifa

4. Forum of Palestinian NGOs in Lebanon

5. Palestinian General Federation of TradeUnions (PGFTU)

6. General Union of Palestinian Women(GUPW)

7. General Union of Palestinian Teachers(GUPT)

8. Federation of Unions of Palestinian Universities’ Professors and Employees

9. Consortium of Professional Associations

10. Union of Palestinian Medical ReliefCommittees (UPMRC)

11. Health Work Committees – West Bank

12. Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC)

13. Union of Palestinian Agricultural ReliefCommittees (PARC)

14. Union of Health Work Committees – Gaza (UHWC)

15. Union of Palestinian Farmers

16. Occupied Palestineand Syrian Golan Heights Advocacy Initiative(OPGAI)

17. General Union of Disabled Palestinians

18. Palestinian Federation of Women’s ActionCommittees (PFWAC)

19. Palestinian Campaign for the Academicand Cultural Boycott of Israel(PACBI)

20. Palestinian Grassroots Anti-ApartheidWall Campaign

21. Union of Teachers of Private Schools

22. Union of Women’s Work Committees, Tulkarem(UWWC)

23. Dentists’ Association – Jerusalem Center

24. Palestinian Engineers Association

25. Lawyers’ Association

26. Network for the Eradication ofIlliteracy and Adult Education, Ramallah

27. Coordinating Committee of RehabilitationCenters – West Bank

28. Coalition of Lebanese Civil SocietyOrganizations (150 organizations)

29. Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights(SPHR), Network of Student-based CanadianUniversity



Refugee RightsAssociations/Organizations

1. Al-Ard Committees for the Defense ofthe Right of Return, Syria

2. Al-Awda Charitable Society, Beit Jala

3. Al Awda – Palestine Right-to-Return Coalition, U.S.A

4. Al-Awda Toronto

5. Aidun Group – Lebanon

6. Aidun Group – Syria

7. Alrowwad Cultural and Theatre Training Center,Aida refugee camp

8. Association for the Defense of theRights of the Internally Displaced (ADRID), Nazareth

9. BADILResource Centerfor Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights, Bethlehem

10. Committee for Definite Return, Syria

11. Committee for the Defense ofPalestinian Refugee Rights, Nablus

12. Consortium of the DisplacedInhabitants of Destroyed PalestinianVillages and Towns

13. Filastinuna – Commission for theDefense of the Right of Return,Syria

14. HandalaCenter, ‘Azza (Beit Jibreen) refugeecamp, Bethlehem

15. High Committee for the Defense ofthe Right of Return, Jordan

(including personalendorsement of 71 members of parliament, political parties and unions in Jordan)

16. High National Committee for theDefense of the Right of Return , Ramallah

17. International Right of ReturnCongress (RORC)

18. Jermana Youth Forum for the Defenseof the Right of Return, Syria

19. LajiCenter, Aida camp, Bethlehem

20. Local Committee for Rehabilitation,Qalandia refugee camp, Jerusalem

21. Local Committee for Rehabilitationof the Disabled, Deheishe refugee camp, Bethlehem

22. Palestinian National Committee forthe Defense of the Right of Return,Syria

23. Palestinian Return Association, Syria

24. Palestinian Return Forum, Syria

25. PalestineRight-of-Return Coalition (Palestine, Arab hostcountries, Europe, North America)

26. Palestine Right-of-Return Confederation-Europe (Austria, Denmark,France, Germany, Italy,Netherlands, Norway, Poland,Sweden)

27. Palestinian Youth Forum for theRight of Return, Syria

28. PLO Popular Committees – West Bank refugee camps

29. PLO Popular Committees – Gaza Striprefugee camps

30. Popular Committee – al-‘Azza (BeitJibreen) refugee camp, Bethlehem

31. Popular Committee – Deheishe refugeecamp, Bethlehem

32. Shaml – Palestinian Diaspora and Refugee Center, Ramallah

33. Union of Women’s Activity Centers – West Bank Refugee Camps

34. Union of Youth Activity Centers -Palestine Refugee Camps, West Bank and Gaza

35. Women’s ActivityCenter – Deheishe refugee camp, Bethlehem

36. YafaCultural Center,Balata refugee camp, Nablus



1. Abna’ al-Balad Society,

2. AddameerCenter for Human Rights, Gaza

3. Addameer Prisoners’ Support and HumanRights Association, Ramallah

4. Alanqa’ Cultural Association, Hebron

5. Al-Awda Palestinian Folklore Society,Hebron

6. Al-Doha Children’s Cultural Center,Bethlehem

7. Al-Huda Islamic Center, Bethlehem

8. Al-Jeel al-Jadid Society, Haifa

9. Al-Karameh Cultural Society, Umal-Fahm

10. Al-Maghazi Cultural Center, Gaza

11. Al-Marsad Al-Arabi, occupied SyrianGolan Heights

12. Al-MezanCenter for Human Rights, Gaza

13. Al-Nahda Cultural Forum, Hebron

14. Al-Taghrid Society for Culture andArts, Gaza

15. Alternative Tourism Group, BeitSahour (ATG)

16. Al-Wafa’ Charitable Society, Gaza

17. Applied Research Institute Jerusalem (ARIJ)

18. Arab Association for Human Rights, Nazareth (HRA)

19. Arab Centerfor Agricultural Development (ACAD)

20. Arab Centerfor Agricultural Development-Gaza

21. Arab Education Institute (AEI) – PaxChristie Bethlehem

22. Arab Orthodox Charitable Society -Beit Sahour

23. Arab Orthodox Charity – Beit Jala

24. Arab Orthodox Club – Beit Jala

25. Arab Orthodox Club – Beit Sahour

26. Arab Students’ Collective, University of Toronto

27. Arab Thought Forum, Jerusalem (AFT)

28. Association for Cultural Exchange Hebron – France

29. Association Najdeh, Lebanon

30. Authority for Environmental Quality,Jenin

31. Bader Society for Development andReconstruction, Gaza

32. Canadian PalestineFoundation of Quebec, Montreal

33. Center for the Defense of Freedoms, Ramallah

34. Centerfor Science and Culture, Gaza

35. Chamber of Commerce and Industry,Ramallah- Al-Bireh District

36. Child Development and Entertainment Center, Tulkarem

37. Committee for Popular Participation,Tulkarem

38. Defense for Children International-PalestineSection, Ramallah (DCI/PS)

39. El-Funoun Palestinian Popular DanceTroupe

40. EnsanCenter for Democracy and Human Rights,Bethlehem

41. Environmental EducationCenter, Bethlehem

42. FARAH – PalestinianCenter for Children, Syria

43. Ghassan Kanafani Society forDevelopment, Gaza

44. Ghassan Kanafani Forum, Syria

45. GazaCommunity Mental Health Program, Gaza(GCMHP)

46. Golan for Development, occupiedSyrian Golan Heights

47. Halhoul Cultural Forum, Hebron

48. Himayeh Society for Human Rights, Umal-Fahm

49. Holy Land Trust – Bethlehem

50. Home of Saint Nicholas for Old Ages- Beit Jala

51. Human Rights Protection Center, Lebanon

52. In’ash al-Usrah Society, Ramallah

53. InternationalCenter of Bethlehem (Dar An-Nadweh)

54. Islah Charitable Society-Bethlehem

55. Jafra Youth Center, Syria

56. JanderCenter, al-Azza (Beit Jibreen) refugeecamp, Bethlehem

57. JerusalemCenter for Women, Jerusalem (JCW)

58. JerusalemLegal Aid and HumanRights Center(JLAC )

59. Khalil Al Sakakini Cultural Center,Ramallah

60. LandResearch Center,Jerusalem (LRC)

61. Liberated Prisoners’ Society, Palestine

62. Local Committee for SocialDevelopment, Nablus

63. Local Committee for theRehabilitation of the Disabled, Nablus

64. MA’AN TV Network, Bethlehem

65. Medical Aid for Palestine, Canada

66. MIFTAH-Palestinian Initiative forthe Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy, Ramallah

67. Muwatin-The Palestinian Institutefor the Study of Democracy

68. National Forum of Martyr’s Families,Palestine

69. Near East Council of ChurchesCommittee for Refugee Work – GazaArea

70. Network of Christian Organizations -Bethlehem(NCOB)

71. Palestinian Council for Justice andPeace, Jerusalem

72. PalestinianCounseling Center,Jerusalem (PCC)

73. Palestinian Democratic Youth Union, Lebanon

74. Palestinian Farmers’ Society, Gaza

75. Palestinian Hydrology Group forWater and Environment Resources Development-Gaza

76. Palestinian Prisoners’ Society-WestBank

77. Palestinian Society for ConsumerProtection, Gaza

78. PalestinianUniversity Students’ Forum for Peaceand Democracy, Hebron

79. Palestinian Women’s StruggleCommittees

80. Palestinian Working Women Societyfor Development (PWWSD)

81. Popular Art Centre, Al-Bireh

82. Prisoner’s Friends Association -Ansar Al-Sajeen, Majd al-Krum

83. Public Aid Association, Gaza

84. Ramallah Centerfor Human Rights Studies

85. Saint Afram Association – Bethlehem

86. Saint Vincent De Paule – Beit Jala

87. Senior Citizen Society – Beit Jala

88. SocialDevelopment Center,Nablus

89. Society for Self-Development, Hebron

90. Society for Social Work, Tulkarem

91. Society for Voluntary Work andCulture, Um al-Fahm

92. Society of Friends of Prisoners andDetainees, Um al-Fahm

93. Sumoud-Political PrisonersSolidarity Group, Toronto

94. Tamer Institute for CommunityEducation, Ramallah

95. TCC – Teacher’s Creativity Center,Ramallah

96. Wi’am Center, Bethlehem

97. Women’s Affairs Technical Committee,Ramallah and Gaza(WATC)

98. Women’s Studies Center, Jerusalem (WSC)

99. Women’s Center for Legal Aid andCounseling, Jerusalem(WCLAC)

100.Yafa for Education and Culture, Nablus

101.Yazour Charitable Society, Nablus


103.Youth Cooperation Forum, Hebron


105.Zakat Committee-al-Khader, Bethlehen

106.Zakat Committee-Deheishe camp, Bethlehem


For additional endorsement, please contact:

OPGAI c/o: – Anti Apartheid Wall Campaign:


Coalition of LebaneseCivil Society Organizations:

North American Convening

Join us in organizing this convening—become part of the coordinatingcommittee, organize local planning meetings to develop workshops and preparefor local participation, participate in the academic, cultural, spiritual,student or Jews of Color/Mizrahi networks to develop relevant workshops andtracks, participate in planning a film series, cultural events and/or an artexhibit as part of the convening, participate in planning a popular tribunal inconjunction with the convening. If you are interested in organizing the NorthAmerican convening, please contact us as