West Bank Escalation: Email Your Representatives

Dear [elected official’s name]

I am a constituent writing to you regarding your legal and moral obligation to enact an IMMEDIATE ARMS EMBARGO on Israel. Please don’t look away from the West Bank.

Over the 10 days, Israel has escalated its genocide of Palestinians when it launched a major military operation into the West Bank. Israel has killed at least 39 Palestinians including 7 children, killed one Turkish-American volunteer, kidnapped over 130, and forced an estimated 4,000-5,000 people in Jenin to leave their homes at gunpoint. It has destroyed 70% of the streets and significant water and sewage networks in Jenin, leaving 80% of residents without water. Israel has blocked access to hospitals, cut off access to food, and shot at journalists. 

This escalation began 2 months after the International Court of Justice ruled that Israel’s occupation of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank is unlawful. UN experts agree that states must immediately end all arms transfers to Israel or risk legal responsibility for Israel’s war crimes. US federal law also unequivocally prohibits the provision of weapons to any country consistently violating human rights. 

There is no denying your knowledge of the numerous human rights violations Israel has committed over the last 10 months alone. They have murdered at least 40,000 Palestinians in Gaza, including 2,100 babies under the age of 2. Israel has killed at least 116 journalists, has tortured detainees including medical professionals, and a recent Harvard study reveals that Israel targeted more than half  of the infrastructure in Gaza in the first 2 months of the current operation. All of this is only possible because the US continues to supply Israel with weaponry. 

Now Israel is enacting this genocidal violence upon Palestinians in the West Bank. Blood is on the hands of anyone supplying weapons to Israel. 

60% of US citizens and nearly 80% of Democratic voters support an arms embargo on Israel. 

The US must enact an arms embargo on Israel immediately.


[your name]

[your address]

Please use the tools below to send your emails. Please edit your email as you see fit! Adding relevant biographical information about yourself in the first line can help - i.e. if you are Palestinian, a healthcare worker, a parent, Jewish, etc. 

To email your local representatives:




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