
Call to Action

Our pledge in theCharter will be carried out through our commitments to: 1) solidarity with Palestinian self-determination, 2) participation in global movements toend imperialism, and 3) theextrication of Jewish history, politics, community, and culture from the gripof Zionism.

To these ends, in thishistorical moment, IJAN will be a clear anti-Zionist Jewish point of reference to set an ideologicalpole, open space for non-Jewish anti-Zionist voices, and broaden support forPalestinian liberation.

Towards fulfilling thisstrategic role, we are calling anti-Zionist Jews to take up the followingactions in the world:

Launch Campaign

OnOn September 29, the International Jewish Solidarity Network released itsfounding Charter. For the last couple of year, the International JewishSolidarity Network has been building internationally and is now ready for broaderparticipation and partnership. With the release of the Charter, we are callingfor a week of coordinated actions across the world that confront Zionism and supportthe Launch Campaign

Oppose Canada's support of the JNF

The Jewish National Fund is scheduled to hold an annual Negev fund-raising dinner at Canada’s Museum of Civilization this coming Monday, November 24.

Please sign the petition now in an attempt to cancel this event. The petition was written by Independent Jewish Voices in Canada and can be found at .

Click here to read a letter sent to the Museum by the International Jewish anti-Zionist Network.


Even if the event takes place, it is not too late to write your own letter telling the museum your opinion on this matter.

Letters can be sent (with a copy to to:

Dr. Victor Rabinovicth

President and CEOCanadian Museum of Civilization

Gatineau, Quebec

Fax 819-776-7122

10,000 People Rally in Toronto to Demonstrate Against the Israeli Assault on Gaza

At least 10,000 people gathered at Toronto’s Yonge-Dundas Square to protest against Israel’s recent assault on Gaza. Protesters then marched through the streets of Toronto to the Israeli Consulate and the United States Embassy. Demonstrators called on the Canadian government to condemn Israel’s latest aggression and to cut all political, economic and military ties with Israel until it complies with international law. Protests were also held across Canada in Ottawa, Winnipeg and Vancouver. Demonstrations are scheduled in Montreal on Sunday.

"We are overwhelmed by the support we have received from Canadian civil society, the trade union movement, and allies in the Jewish community. The large number of people on the streets today shows that the Harper government is out of touch with the Canadian public," said Khaled Mouammar President of the Canadian Arab Federation.

As the protest was taking place, Israel began a ground invasion of the Gaza Strip. This latest escalation comes in spite of international condemnation and calls for Israel to end its full-scale military assault on the people of Gaza, which has already killed over 400 people.  It is clear that Israel believes it can act with impunity, and continue to commit war crimes against the illegally occupied Palestinian people.

"We will continue to mobilize and voice our outrage at the crimes being committed in Gaza until the Harper government publicly condemns Israel’s violations of international law" stated Farid Ayad, President of Palestine House.

Numerous speakers at the demonstration, including the president of CUPE Ontario Syd Ryan, local Jewish activist Jenny Peto, and Rafeef Ziadah from Palestine House urged the crowd to support the campaign of boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israeli apartheid. As part of this campaign, organizers called on the Canadian government to implement sanctions against the Israeli government until Israel halted its aggression upon the population of Gaza and fully complied with international law. Organizers further demanded that Canada insist Israel ends the siege on Gaza and open the borders to allow for food, medicine, water and other essentials of life.

Rally was endorsed by:
Palestine House
Canadian Arab Federation
Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid
Canadian Union of Public Employee (Ontario)
Canadian Union of Postal Workers
Steel Workers – Toronto Area Council
Toronto Coalition to Stop the War
Not in Our Name – Jewish Voices Opposing Zionism
International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network Toronto
Yosher – Jewish Social Justice Network
Women In Solidarity with Palestine
Educators for Peace and Justice
Muslim Unity
Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East
Near East Cultural and Educational Foundation
Canadian Forum for Justice and Peace in Sri Lanka
Muslim Association of Hamilton
Canadian Druze Society
Canadian Syrian Cultural Club
Al Huda
Muslim Unity
Canadian Shia Muslims Organization
Worker to Worker Canada Cuba Solidarity Network
Somali Canadian Diaspora Alliance
Science for Peace
Bayan – Canada
Bengali Student Association
McMaster Muslims for Peace and Justice
Arab Students Association at Ryerson University

IJAN Joins The Call for Action to Decry the Attacks on Gaza

27 December 2008

Theworld majority stands with the Palestinian people in this devastatingtime that Israeli Defense Secretary Ehud Barak calls "just thebeginning." Israeli attacks on Gaza in the past 24 hours have killedover 200 people and injured hundreds more. We decry the multiple formsof collective punishment currently being inflicted that reflectIsrael’s 60-plus year history of ethnic cleansing: lack of access toelectricity and potable water, blockades of food and medicine, andthese brutal attacks.

Weare outraged but not surprised by this escalation. Israel’sunilaterally designed and implemented disengagement from Gaza hasmaintained control of the borders, air and water space, and completelyisolated Gaza practically and politically. This has been accomplishedwith unconditional support from the United States and its allies andwith the complicity of the broader international community and Gaza’sneighbors. It has also set the stage for these horrendous events.

Themedia frames this violence as a conflict between warring peoples withequal power. This framing is possible because the media fails torecognize Israel as an apartheid State or as a colonial occupying forcewith one of the most technologically advanced militaries in the world.

TheGaza-based One Democratic State Group has called for "all civil societyorganizations and freedom loving people to act immediately in anypossible way to put pressure on their governments to end diplomaticties with Apartheid Israel and institute sanctions against it." IJANstands in solidarity with the people of Gaza and supports this call.

We Ask You To Join Us and Take Action!

  1. Join or organize emergency protests and direct actions in partnership with Palestine solidarity and social justice organizations in your area. Click here for a list of local actions.
    Please send announcements of actions you are joining or organizing (with date, time and location) to so they can be announced on our web site. Also send reports of actions you participate in so this information can be shared with people around the world.

  2. Donate money through the Middle East Children’s Alliance to pay for desperately needed medical supplies and their delivery. The current conditions in Gaza medical facilities are dire. The Middle East Children’s Alliance is working with health organizations in Gaza to procure the most-needed medicines and send them direct to Gaza with the help of the Free Gaza Movement.
  3. Flood Israeli embassies and consulates with letters and calls decrying the attacks. Find contact info for Israeli embassies around the world.

  4. Contact government officials and call on them to act by denouncing the attacks and demanding an immediate cease-fire.
  5. Shift the framing of Israel’s actions in the media by phoning into a talk show or writing a letter to the editor.
  6. Sign the petition in support of UN General Assembly President Father Miguel D’Escoto Brockmann who has spoken out to condemn Israeli "Apartheid" and call for boycott, divestment and sanctions.

Local Actions


We will update this list as often as possible.  Please sendannouncements of actions you are joining or organizing (with date, timeand location) to ijan@ijsn.netso they can be announced here. Also send reports of actionsyou participate in so this information can be shared with people aroundthe world.



  • Lunes 29 a las 19 horas : concentración unitaria en la camara de comercio España-Israel. Travessera de Gràcia 21.



  • Monday Dec. 29, 12 noon: Belfast City Hall.


  • Sunday Dec. 28: There was an ad hoc demo with 30 people, many of whom later went to the offices of Raytheon, cluster-bomb company, where there has been a rooftop protest camp for two weeks. More actions are planned for the coming week.


  • Sunday Dec. 28, 4pm: Demonstration at the Israeli Embassy, Lundevangsvej 4, Hellerup.



  • Tuesday Dec. 30, 4:30pm: Protest and vigil outside the Town Hall and art gallery.
  • 				Saturday Jan. 3, 1pm: Leeds City Centre outside the art gallery.	


  • Sunday Dec. 28, 2-4pm: Emergen
    cy protest opposite Israeli Embassy on Kensington High Street. Nearest tube: High Street Kensington.
  • Monday Dec. 29, 1:30pm: Egyptian Embassy, 26 south street, Nearest tube Marble Arch or Green Park.
  • Monday Dec. 29, 4-6pm: Emergency protest opposite Israeli Embassy on Kensington High Street. Nearest tube: High Street Kensington.
  • Saturday, Jan 3, 12:30pm: Assemble along Embankment, by Embankment tube station, London WC2 – Nearest tube Embankment or Charing Cross. 
  • Sunday Jan. 4, 1pm: at Paddington Green Station.


Los Angeles / SouthernCalifornia

  • Sunday Dec. 28, 2pm: Emergency Demo for Gaza in Anaheim 512 S. Brookhurst St. between Orange Ave. & Broadway.
  • Tuesday Dec. 30, 4:30pm: Rally in front of Israeli Consulate (6380 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles).



  • Monday Dec. 29, 4-6pm: vigil on Broadway and Baxter across from Cave Hill cemetary.



  • Sábado 27 de Diciembre Encierrro: en la Asociacion Hispano Palestina Jerusalén, en la calle Navarra 35 de Madrid, metro Estrecho.
  • Domingo 28 a las 12 del mediodia concentracion : ante la Embajada de Israel en Madrid, calle Velázquez 150, metro República Argentina.



  • Tuesday, Dec. 30, 10am – 5pm: at Sen. Klobuchar’s office (1200 Washington Ave. S.) & at Rep. Ellison’s office (2100 Plymouth Ave. N.) in Minneapolis. 1pm press conference at Sen. Klobuchar’s office.

New Brunswick

  • Sunday, Dec. 27: One small one today brought together on a couple of hours notice.
  • Tuesday, Dec. 30, 4-6pm: Larger demo at the corner of Albany and George Streets, in front of Bank of America Building.

New York

  • Sunday, Dec. 28, 2:00 pm: Met at 50th St. and 5th Ave. then marched to the Israeli Consulate at 800 2nd Ave. btw 42nd and 43rd Sts.
  • Monday, Dec. 29, 5-6pm: Leafleting at the south end of Union Square, near the corner of 14th St. and 5th Ave. and at the triangular park at 6th Ave and 32nd Street.
  • Monday, Dec. 29, 6:30pm: Funeral Procession meets at the triangular park at 6th Av. & 32nd Street. Look for the Palestinian Flag. March to Bryant Park.


  • Tuesday 30 Dec. 4pm: rally outside the US Embassy, Quay Street.


  • Tuesday December 30, 4pm: Meet outside the Israeli Consulate, 1880 JFK Blvd.



  • Sunday Jan 4, 10am:  In front of the Morrocon House of Parliament.


  • Tuesday, Dec. 30, 4-5pm: Meet at Federal Building.  Plan is to stand with a large picture of Picasso’s Guernica with the caption "Gaza" and a picture of a US / Israel missile targeting Gaza.

San Francisco
/ Bay Area


  • Sunday Dec. 28, 12pm: Emergency Demo in SF. Meet at Market and Powell.
  • Monday Dec. 29, 5pm: Silent Vigil at Feinstein’s Office (Montgomery and Market, SF). Bring candles, posters, banners; wear black. Rain or Shine.
  • Tuesday Dec. 30, 5pm: Rally in front of Israeli Consulate (456 Montgomery St., SF).
  • Friday Jan. 2, 2:30pm: at Powell and Market.


  • Lunes 29 a las 19 horas : Plaza de la Marina inicio de la calle Larios. Convocan: Asociación Al Quds y Paz Ahora de Málaga.


  • Sunday Dec. 28, 2pm: Demonstration outside the Israeli Consulate (180 Bloor Street West)
  • Tuesday Dec. 30, 5-6pm: at the Israeli Consulate Building, 180 Bloor Street West (across from ROM), Northwest corner of Bloor and Avenue Rd.
  • Wednesday Dec. 31, 5-6pm: at the Israeli Consulate Building, 180 Bloor Street West (across from ROM), Northwest corner of Bloor and Avenue Rd.
  • Thursday Jan. 1, 5-6pm: at the Israeli Consulate Building, 180 Bloor Street West (across from ROM), Northwest corner of Bloor and Avenue Rd.
  • Friday Jan. 2, 5-6pm: at the Israeli Consulate Building, 180 Bloor Street West (across from ROM), Northwest corner of Bloor and Avenue Rd.


  • Domingo 28 a las 6 de la tarde : en la puerta del Ayuntamiento de Sevilla.
  • Martes día 30 de Diciembre, a las 19h : en la Plaza de la Virgen.


  • Monday Dec. 29, 12 noon: US Consulate (1075 West Pender) Gather on HASTINGS side (corner Thurlow).




  • Wednesday, Dec. 31, 12-2pm: Protest Against Ron Prosor, the Israeli Ambassador to the UK, at TES, University of Warwick.

Click here for a list of actions in the United Kingdom.

Click here for a list of actions in the United States

To add an action, email us at

Hundreds Demonstrate, Build Relationships in Ireland

An account from Maggie Ronayne, active in IJAN and Global Women’s Strike:

About 300 people attended a demonstration in Galway, Ireland, at short notice and with little publicity.  The demo began at 12.30pm, organised by the left.  The majority were from the Middle East, Palestinians and others, plus other Muslim women and men, including from Africa.  There were a number of speakers from the Middle East and Ireland, among whom was Palestine solidarity organiser Treasa Ní Ceannabháin, who had been prevented from leaving Gaza for a time last year after delivering aid (she told me later that as a result of this experience she was receiving emails from many groups worldwide, including IJAN in Canada). 

When the organiserstried to end the demo, people began ‘Free Palestine’ chants and more Middle Eastern people got up to speak, including to condemn the Arab governments especially Egypt. One woman spoke to thank people for coming.  Some people said ‘Let’s march down the main street, let’s go’ and most people started to march through the main street of Galway. People came out of shops and pubs and stood respectfully to watch the march pass, some silent, some joined chants or applauded. By the end, the core was Middle Eastern people and they did not want to stop marching or chanting.  An Egyptian doctor proposed that there be a march from the mosque after Friday prayers & people readily agreed to this. 

Many Arab children attended.  They had made their own placards, sometimes on small pieces of paper saying ‘Free Palestine’, ‘Israel stop killing children’ and other things in Arabic.  They marched through thestreet
holding them up.

My placard said ‘Zionism = colonialism, Zionists = racists, Stop Israel’s genocide of Palestinian people, Boycott Israel!’.  A man from Afghanistan offered to hold it with me and did so throughout the protest.  Arab women
were delighted and walked beside it with me, inviting me for coffee & to their houses afterwards.  They invited me to the Friday march from the mosque as well.

I gave out about 200 IJAN Gaza statements which were very well received. Lots of Arab people came up to ask for additional copies or to say thank you.  Several came back to me to say this is what we want, we are not
against Jewish people and never have been.  Irish people were saying the same thing and also asking why don’t we have a Jewish anti-Zionist group in Ireland; they thought it would be great if Jewish people spoke out here.

Les Plans de paix et le refus Israelien

Depuisles années quatre-vingt-dix s’est développée en Israël une stratégie que l’onpourrait appeler la stratégie des processus. Un processus consiste enl’ouverture de négociations de paix lesquelles sont destinées moins à aboutir àla paix qu’à se développer jusqu’à l’échec attendu, échec dont laresponsabilité doit apparaître comme étant celle des Palestiniens. C’est cettestratégie que l’on retrouve avec les Accords d’Oslo, la Feuille de Route etplus récemment la conférence d’Annapolis.

Et dans l'univers politique des ultra-racistes et fi

Le Rabin Shalom Dov Wolpe, animateurdes QG pour Sauver le peuple et la Terre d’Israël et Moshé Feiglin, lesuper-faucon des faucons du Likoud, nous annoncent  sans barguigner que l’heure de l’OAS juived’Israël est arrivée !

Report on the UK launch of the IJAN Charter

A hundred people came together for a historic occasion — the public launch in the UK of the Charter of the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN). The meeting was to say how the Charter could be of use for different sectors; and to propose direct action that could be taken together.