
Contributions Needed

Please support us in sending delegations of anti-racist activists to the World Conference Against Racism. On April 20-24, Geneva will host the Durban Review Conference (DRC),an evaluation of the progress made in implementing the DurbanDeclaration and Program of Action (DDPA) adopted by the WorldConference against Racism in 2001.

TheUnited States, Canada, and Israel have withdrawn from the DurbanReview, despite the participation of all other UN member states as wellas hundred’s of advocacy and activist organizations. Their withdrawalis based a claim that it is "antisemitic" to challenge Israel on itsundeniably racist policies – a central issue at the Durban Review. TheUS boycott is also based on a refusal to participate in conversationsabout reparations to African Americans for slavery. This highlights therelationships between the United States and Israel-one of a sharedcommitment to maintaining State exploitation and repression of peoplebased on race for the purposes of continuing to secure economic,military and political dominance.

Thesefalse claims are an attempt to circumvent the growing criticism andcondemnation of Israel’s utter disregard for international law, humanrights, and humanity. Furthermore, they allow the Canadian and UnitedStates’ governments to avoid processes designed to hold themaccountable. By not attending, they leave unanswered the demands madeof them in 2001 for reparations and amends for their own histories ofcolonization of indigenous people and land, slavery and on-goingdiscrimination against African Americans, and the targeting ofimmigrants.

Weare supporting a delegation of eight organizers – anti-Zionist Jews,African Americans and Palestinians – to challenge the US boycottagainst the conference and expose the relationship between the USsupport for Israel and its own deep history and practice of racism. Tochallenge a strong Zionist presence being mobilized in Geneva, we arealso supporting a European delegation of anti-Zionist Jews to protestthe boycott of the conference based on the inclusion of Palestinianrights. This will also is an opportunity for us to further build IJAN’swork in the region.

TheZionist protest of this conference and denial of Israel’saccountability for its racist policies and practices is well resourced.Our resources are few but our voice and organizing is critical at thisinternational forum and in this historic moment. Click here to support us in making these delegations possible.

International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2009

Mourning & Resistance, from Warsaw to Gaza

How does the city sit solitary, that was full of people! How is she become as a widow!…
She weeps sore into the night, and her tears are on her cheeks:
among all who loved her she has none to comfort her.

(Book of Lamentations)

Last week, after murdering 1400 people – of whom 400 were children –after bombing hospitals and mosques, schools, universities andhumanitarian supplies, and tens of thousand of homes, Israel declared acease-fire. A shameful parade of European leaders immediately went toJerusalem to embrace the mass murderers and to pledge their support forthe continuing siege of Gaza.

The primary purpose of this massacre was to break the spirit of thePalestinian people until they surrender and accept their fate as lesserhuman beings. As former Chief of Staff Moshe Yaalon said in 2002, "ThePalestinians must be made to understand in the deepest recesses oftheir consciousness that they are a defeated people." European leaderssupport this goal, as did previous U.S. administrations, as do theruling elites of Egypt, Jordan and Saudi-Arabia, despite the fury oftheir peoples. We wait to see if the freshly inaugurated ObamaAdministration will break with sixty long years of attack on thePalestinian people armed and financed by the U.S. and Europe.

We grieve with the people of Gaza. We see the faces of the children, ofthe women and the men; we hear their voices. We also hear the silenceof the leaders of Western countries, intermittently broken by evasiveplatitudes. And we are reminded of the time when the world turned ablind eye while our forebears, our families, were slaughtered.

100,000 Palestinians were made homeless in Gaza this month. Most ofthem became refugees in 1948 when they were expelled at gunpoint fromtheir towns and villages. Now they are homeless again, even in theirland of exile, and at risk of being driven out from Palestinealtogether.

Yet on January 27, Holocaust Remembrance Day, the leaders of the U.S.and Europe will be joined in honoring the memory of our dead. Even aswe seek to remember and to honor the immensity of that loss, westruggle to find words to convey the hypocrisy of these ceremonies, inwhich those who are silent today pay homage to the victims ofyesterday’s silence.

The radical Jewish writer Walter Benjamin, who died while fleeing theNazis, wrote, "not even the dead will be safe from the enemy, if he isvictorious. And this enemy has not ceased to be victorious." The ThirdReich was defeated, and yet, "the enemy has not ceased to bevictorious." Racism, mass murder, and genocide continue to be acceptedtools of statecraft. Even our dead are not safe. They have been calledup, disturbed, dredged from their mass graves and forced to testifyagainst their fellow human beings in pain, to confess a hatred that wasalien to them and to offer themselves up as justification for a newcycle of suffering in Palestine. Their ghosts have been enlisted tohelp displace fellow Jews from Arab homelands, and to bequeath to them thatsame alien hatred, conscripting those of us descending from Arablands to become enemies of our own memory and past.

The Jewish British MP Gerald Kaufman spoke in anguish while themassacres in Gaza were taking place: "My grandmother did not die toprovide cover for Israeli soldiers murdering Palestinian grandmothersin Gaza." We share and echo that refusal. Let not the memory of Jewsmurdered by the Nazi regime serve as cover for the attempteddestruction of the Palestinian people!

Although the guns are relatively silent, this genocidal assault on thePalestinian people isn’t over. The siege, the lack of food and freshwater, the disease-threatening broken sewage system, and economiccollapse and humanitarian crisis persist in Gaza with the full supportof the U.S., Europe and the Egyptian government. As the siege of Gazacontinues, so does the slow ethnic cleansing of the West Bank and EastJerusalem, the home demolitions, the building of the apartheid wall,the settlement build-up, the economic devastation of the towns andvillages strangled by checkpoints, the assault on Palestinianneighborhoods in Jaffa, Akka, Lydda, the Galilee and the Negev, themass imprisonment of Palestinians (over 11,000), and all the large andsmall ways by which Israel is seeking to crush the spirit and erase thepresence of the Palestinian people in their homeland.

Faced with the threat of annihilation in Europe, Jews resisted. Fromghettos to concentration camps and within countries under occupation,Jews led resistance to the Nazi regime. Today, from the ghetto of Gazato the Bantustans of the West Bank and from the neighborhoods of Jaffaand Akka to cities across the globe, Palestinians resist Israel’sattempt to destroy them as a people. On January 27th, honoring thememory of our dead is for us inseparable from honoring more than sixtyyears of Palestinian survival and resistance. Only when the Palestinianpeople regain their freedom will the dead rest safely. Then we will allcelebrate another victory for life.

Petition to the Government

Given thatthe Canadian government:

  • has failed to condemn Israel’s clear violation of international law and war crimes in Gaza
  • has intensified Canada’s bilateral agreements with Israel, including policing and security, military, political, and economic links
  • has continuously granted Israel unconditional support for its ongoing practice of collective punishment and ethnic cleansing,

We, theundersigned residents of Canada,urge the government of Canadato immediately undertake a change in its position regarding the Middle East andto initiate concrete action to hold Israel accountable for its ongoing violationsof International Humanitarian Law.   

Brought to you by Women In Solidarity With Palestine (WSP)

And The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, Toronto (IJAN-TO)

For more information: or

Jewish Canadians Concerned about Suppression of Criticism of Israel

Background:  IJAN Toronto members, working with other local Jewish activists in Toronto, put together and op-ed piece and collected 161 names of Jewish Canadians within a week, debunking the myth that criticism of the Israeli state is anti-Semitic, or that Israel acts out of self-defense. It also decries recent attacks on Israeli Apartheid week at several Canadian Universities. The statement, “Jewish Canadians Concerned About Suppression of Criticism of Israel.” speaks about the current climate as analogous to the Red Scare of the 1950s. Both the Toronto Star and the national Globe and Mail refused to publish it. The piece was then placed as an “advertisement” in one of the free weekly papers in Toronto, NOW Magazine. It is currently circulating on various lists and websites on the Internet, and may eventually be placed as an advertisement in either the Globe and Mail or the Ottawa Citizen, if more money can be raised. And names keep coming in.


Weare Jewish Canadians concerned about all expressions of racism,anti-Semitism, and social injustice. We believe that the Holocaustlegacy “Never again” means never again for all peoples. It is a tragicturn of history that the State of Israel, with its ideals of democracyand its dream of being a safe haven for Jewish people, causesimmeasurable suffering and injustice to the Palestinian people.

Weare appalled by recent attempts of prominent Jewish organizations andleading Canadian politicians to silence protest against the State ofIsrael. We are alarmed by the escalation of fear tactics. Charges thatthose organizing Israel Apartheid Week or supporting an academicboycott of Israel are anti-Semites promoting hatred bring theanti-Communist terror of the 1950s vividly to mind. We believe thisserves to deflect attention from Israel’s flagrant violations ofinternational humanitarian law.

B’nai Brith and the Canadian Jewish Congress have pressured university presidents and
administrationsto silence debate and discussion specifically regardingPalestine/Israel. In a full-page ad in a national newspaper, B’naiBrith urged donors to withhold funds from universities because“anti-Semitic hate fests” were being allowed on campuses. ImmigrationMinister Jason Kenney and Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff have echoedthese arguments. While university administrators have resisted demandsto shut down Israel Apartheid week, some Ontario university presidentshave bowed to this disinformation campaign by suspending and finingstudents, confiscating posters, and infringing on free speech.

Wedo not believe that Israel acts in self-defense. Israel is the largestrecipient of US foreign aid, receiving $3 million/day. It has thefourth strongest army in the world. Before the invasion of Gaza on 27December 2008, Israel’s siege had already created a humanitariancatastrophe there, with severe impoverishment, malnutrition, anddestroyed infrastructure. It is crucial that forums for discussion ofIsrael’s accountability to the international community for what manyhave called war crimes be allowed to proceed unrestricted by speciousclaims of anti-Semitism.

Werecognize that anti-Semitism is a reality in Canada as elsewhere, andwe are fully committed to resisting any act of hatred against Jews. Atthe same time, we condemn false charges of anti-Semitism againststudent organizations, unions, and other groups and people exercisingtheir democratic right to freedom of speech and association regardinglegitimate criticism of the State of Israel.

Click to read the original list of signatories.

Exposition, Film, Ateliers d’Information et de Débats

1948-2009 : où EST LA PALESTINE ?


DIMANCHE 22 MARS DE 15H A 19H AU FOYER MATTERAZ (rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud)

Exposition, Film, Ateliers d’Information et de Débats

EXPOSITION Histoire de la nakba (la catastrophe), réalisée par le groupe local de l’AFPS La Courneuve Palestine et l’universitaire Nadine PICAUDOU


948 : création de l’Etat d’Israël qui conduit à une expulsion massive des habitants de la Palestine.

1967 : achèvement de l’occupation de la Palestine par l’armée israélienne. 

Depuis 1967, annexion de Jérusalem-Est, du Golan syrien et annexion rampante de la terre palestinienne par l’extension de la colonisation et la construction d’un mur qui empiète encore sur les territoires occupés depuis 1967 et tend à les faire passer pour terre israélienne. 


Après l’attaque israélienne contre Gaza, les bonnes âmes de la « communauté internationale » appellent à mettre fin à la violence, en mettant sur le même pied les roquettes envoyées par le HAMAS et les bombes israéliennes.

L’attaque israélienne est présentée comme la réponse aux roquettes, lesquelles seraient seules responsables de la violence depuis que le HAMAS a mis fin à la trêve. Quelle trêve ?

Au Père Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann, Ne faut-il pas l’appeler Révérend Père ?

Liliana   Brockmann IJAN 

28 novembre 2008 

Au Père Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann                 Ne faut-il pas l’appeler Révérend Père ? 

                                                                              Quelles sont ses fonctions ? Pasteur ?

(c’est écrit father en anglais et padre en espagnol, donc laissons père, mais tu peux regarder sur internet sa biographie, si tu souhaite la précision)  


A la 57ème Session Plénière sur la Question de la Palestine, vous avez brisé un tabou qui a longtemps agi pour affaiblir et embrouiller  la réponse internationale aux conditions politiques et humanitaires, désastreuses et en voie de détérioration rapide, faites aux Palestiniens. 

Vous avez décrit les politiques d’Israël dans les Territoires Palestiniens Occupés comme semblables  aux politiques mises en place par feu le régime d’apartheid en Afrique du Sud. Vous avez exhorté les Nations Unies à utiliser sans crainte le terme « apartheid ». Et vous avez tiré une conclusion en vue d’une action :

Au Père Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann

A la 57ème Session Plénière sur la Question de la Palestine, vous avez brisé un tabou qui a longtemps agi pour affaiblir et embrouiller la réponse internationale aux conditions politiques et humanitaires, désastreuses et en voie de détérioration rapide, faites aux Palestiniens. 

Vous avez décrit les politiques d’Israël dans les Territoires Palestiniens Occupés comme semblables  aux politiques mises en place par feu le régime d’apartheid en Afrique du Sud. Vous avez exhorté les Nations Unies à utiliser sans crainte le terme « apartheid ». Et vous avez tiré une conclusion en vue d’une action :

        «  Aujourd’hui, peut-être devrions-nous, aux Nations-Unies,  envisager de suivre l’exemple d’une nouvelle génération de sociétés civiles, qui en appellent à une campagne non-violente  de boycott, désinvestissement et sanctions pour faire pression sur Israël, afin qu’il mette fin à ses violations. » 

Nous,  IJAN (International Jewish AntiZionist Network/Réseau International Juif Antisioniste)   souhaiterions vous dire que nous apprécions ces  paroles  opportunes  pour lesquelles nous vous exprimons notre gratitude. 

Le régime  en Israël partage beaucoup de similitudes avec l’époque de l’apartheid en Afrique du Sud. A certains égards, les comportements politiques d’Israël sont  plus néfastes et plus dangereux que ne l’était l’apartheid en Afrique du Sud. Ce fait a été admis par des journalistes, des intellectuels et d’éminents Sud-Africains, y compris le Président Mandela et l’Archevêque Desmond Tutu. La situation à Gaza est catastrophique et le temps n’est plus aux atermoiements. Votre discours sans détours nous redonne du courage.