
BDS Campaign Thirsting for Justice picks up steam in LA

Drawing inspiration and momentum from Omar Barghouti’s speaking event in the Fall of 2009, BDS-LA for Justice in Palestine launched the “Thirsting for Justice” campaign. Members of IJAN-LA have continued to organize with other activists in Los Angeles on this local campaign to support the Palestinian call for BDS against Israel and contribute to the global movement for water justice in Palestine. The Thirsting for Justice campaign calls on the City of Los Angeles and the LA Department of Water and Power to end its Memorandum of Understanding with Kinrot, an Israeli Water Technology company. BDS-LA has been seeking endorsements from a wide range of community organizations for the campaign and is planning to target members of the LA City Council, including through a community event this fall featuring Palestinian activist-academic Lisa Taraki. For more information, see

LA Liberation Seder

A large and diverse crowd of more than 80 Angelenos, ranging in age from 18 to 88 and many attending their first seder, gathered for IJAN-LA’s second ever Liberation Seder on April 3, 2010. It was held at the Mt. Hollywood Congregational Church in the Los Feliz/East Hollywood section of LA. The seder, using IJAN’s own Palestinian Liberation Haggadah, combined traditional Passover rituals, political commentary on Palestine and other liberation struggles, and music and poetry.

Petition for U.S. Jewish Solidarity with Muslim and Arab Peoples of the Middle East

This statement was drafted by U.S. Jews committed to stopping and holding accountable Israel for its destructive policies and practices–most immediately for a halt to the current attacks on Lebanon and Gaza.
We are gathering signatures from Jews committed to this. A shortened version of this statement was published in the
New York Times on September 22nd, 2006.

Gaza Call to Action

We stand with the majority.
We will not be silent on Gaza.

We write with grief and rage as we watch the horrifying Israeli air and ground attacks on Gaza. As Jews committed to ending Zionism, the founding ideology of Israel, and all forms of colonialism, we stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people, who continue to struggle in the face of these attacks, much as they have against more than 60 years of ethnic cleansing and racism. As Joseph Massad recently wrote, Gaza is in uprising against genocide, and is receiving today the same indifference from the capitals of the West that the rebels in the Warsaw Ghetto received in 1943.

We stand with the hundreds of thousands who have taken the streets in solidarity with Gaza’s resistance. We stand with all those who struggle against racism, dispossession and genocide.

We stand with the majority. We will not be silent on Gaza.

We reject Israel’s pretense to act in response to rocket attacks on Israel by Hamas. Israel broke the ceasefire on November 4, 2008, while world attention was focused on U.S. elections.

What the Israeli government calls “security” is fundamentally opposed to the real safety of all people living in the region. Residents of Sderot and other towns bordering Gaza have begged the government of Israel to maintain the cease-fire and accused it of “wasting that period of calm, instead of using it to advance understanding and begin negotiations.” With United States, European Union, and Egyptian collusion, Israel imposed a siege and blockade for over two years, intentionally preventing its economic recovery, degrading its civilian infrastructure, attempting to dismantle self-governance, and preventing travel and obstructing humanitarian aid. That siege, which was and continues to be a gross violation of human rights and a crime against humanity, led directly to the present escalation. As of today, Israeli forces have killed over 700 people and injured thousands. Israel has bombed mosques, universities, police headquarters, roads, office buildings, and residential neighborhoods, and schools, causing indescribable and horrible destruction. This isn’t defense. This isn’t a war between two sides. This is terrorism. This is genocide.

We stand with the majority. We will not be silent on Gaza.

As Jews, we have an additional responsibility to speak and to act against these despicable acts, because we are heirs to the victims of a genocide, because Israel is claiming to “defend” us through the ethnic cleansing of Palestine with the ultimate goal of erasing the Palestinian people, and also because of the role played by the Jewish organizations in the United States and the West in justifying, perpetrating, and escalating Israeli state terrorism against Palestinians.

We recall
that the violence in Gaza today is the inevitable outcome—the latest link in a chain of terror—that results from an ideology based on the dispossession of the indigenous people of Palestine in favor of European Jews. Just as the ideology of White racism was the backbone of Apartheid in South Africa, so the ideology of Zionism explains the history of violence in Palestine, the ethnic cleansing of 1948, the occupation of the West bank and Gaza in 1967, and the many massacres that Israel perpetrated periodically since 1948 to the present one in Gaza. The maintenance of the Israeli state as a state founded on and perpetuating Jewish privilege requires the denial and attempted annihilation of the Palestinian people.

We recall
that unless this ideology is delegitimized and defeated, the violence in the Middle East will continue to escalate until either Palestinian or Jewish existence in the area ends, and possibly both. Racism and colonial domination will never be the basis for peace.

We stand with the majority. We will not be silent on Gaza.

We insist on an immediate end to Israel’s assault, a complete withdrawal of all Israeli forces, a complete and unconditional end to the siege, and the restoration and extension of the ceasefire. We insist on the establishment of a special international tribunal for investigating the crimes of the Israeli leadership of this siege.

We affirm
the urgent need for Jewish resistance to Zionism and stand committed to the extrication of Jewish history, politics, community, and culture from the grip of Zionism.

We situate our work in a long legacy of Jewish people throughout history who have stood in solidarity with others in common struggles against all forms of racism, empire building, and repression. As a growing sector of the Palestine solidarity movement, we call upon all Jews of conscience to take a strong stand against the current escalation of violence, as well as the murderous ground upon which Zionist ideology and the Israeli state has been constructed. We call on Jews to put an end to complicity, to break the silence, and to confront the fallacy of a Zionist consensus. We call on anti-Zionist Jews around the world to organize in escalation against the massacres on Gaza, and to continue to support Palestinian resistance through campaigns of Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions, and through actions that target their own governments’ financial and political support for Israel.

We stand with the majority. We will not be silent on Gaza.

WE call on you to JOIN US in continued ACTION!

>> Mobilize creative actions to disrupt and confront pro-Israel events, propaganda and businesses. Zionists and their supporters should not have their events, propaganda or business contributions in support of Israel go without confrontation. Creative actions are those which use creative tactics, visuals and art to convey a message about the reason for the disruption such as die-ins, projections of images on the outside of Zionist organizations, public art displays, street theater, etc. Targets may include Zionist organizations that have been mobilizing a lot of support for this attack, events to fundraise for the siege on Gaza, or billboards or poster campaigns to justify Israeli violence.

For people in North America:
The United Jewish Communities Federation of North America is sponsoring a Rallies Across North America: A week of solidarity with Israel.  Click here for a list of activities to disrupt. 

Other ways to take action…

>> Join or organize emergency protests and direct actions
in partnership with Palestine solidarity and social justice organizations in your area.

>> Donate money for Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA) cargo of medical supplies and their delivery. IJAN is partnering with MECA in collecting funds and organizing pressure to allow over 5 tons of medical supplies into Gaza through the Rafah border with Egypt. The current conditions in Gaza medical facilities are dire. Please DONATE to MECA now! In the next week IJAN will send an update out about the shipment, please be prepared to organize any necessary pressure in response to this update.

>> Contact government officials and call on them to act by denouncing the attacks and demanding an imm

ediate cease-fire.

>> Flood Israeli embassies and consulates with letters and calls decrying the attacks. Find contact info for Israeli embassies around the world.

>> Continue circulating the petition in support of UN General Assembly President Father Miguel D’Escoto Brockmann who has spoken out to condemn Israeli "Apartheid" and call for boycott, divestment and sanctions. He has received death threats for his statement.

>> Call to Jewish Students: Efforts are underway to make visible and support the activism of Jewish students who condemn Israel’s actions in Gaza and who support the movement for boycott, divestment and sanctions.  Join the "Jewish Students Condemn Israel, Support BDS Campus Campaigns!" Facebook cause.  Email to be added to the contact list for when IJAN student campaigns are launched and send reports for the website about Jewish student participation in Gaza solidarity actions.


Click here for additional Gaza action materials including stickers,posters, media talking points, press advisories and fact sheets: 

Popular Tribunals

Join us in organizingpopular tribunals in your region Overthe next 2-3 years the network will partner with other groups to organizetribunals that gather testimony in order to expose the tactics of and demandaccountability from Zionist institutions and individuals. Description of project The concept for popular tribunals emerged out ofconversations with activists at the Cairo Forum Popular Tribunals

IJAN Call to Action on Gaza

We stand with the majority.
We will not be silent on Gaza.

We write with grief and rage as we watch the horrifying Israeli air and ground attacks on Gaza. As Jews committed to ending Zionism, the founding ideology of Israel, and all forms of colonialism, we stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people, who continue to struggle in the face of these attacks, much as they have against more than 60 years of ethnic cleansing and racism. As Joseph Massad recently wrote, Gaza is in uprising against genocide, and is receiving today the same indifference from the capitals of the West that the rebels in the Warsaw Ghetto received in 1943.

We stand with the hundreds of thousands who have taken the streets in solidarity with Gaza’s resistance. We stand with all those who struggle against racism, dispossession and genocide.

We stand with the majority. We will not be silent on Gaza.

We reject Israel’s pretense to act in response to rocket attacks on Israel by Hamas. Israel broke the ceasefire on November 4, 2008, while world attention was focused on U.S. elections.

What the Israeli government calls “security” is fundamentally opposed to the real safety of all people living in the region. Residents of Sderot and other towns bordering Gaza have begged the government of Israel to maintain the cease-fire and accused it of “wasting that period of calm, instead of using it to advance understanding and begin negotiations.” With United States, European Union, and Egyptian collusion, Israel imposed on Gaza a siege and blockade for over two years, intentionally preventing its economic recovery, degrading its civilian infrastructure, attempting to dismantle self-governance, and preventing travel and obstructing humanitarian aid. That siege, which was and continues to be a gross violation of human rights and a crime against humanity, led directly to the present escalation. As of today, Israeli forces have killed over 700 people and injured thousands. Israel has bombed mosques, universities, police headquarters, roads, office buildings, and residential neighborhoods, and schools, causing indescribable and horrible destruction. This isn’t defense. This isn’t a war between two sides. This is terrorism. This is genocide.

We stand with the majority. We will not be silent on Gaza.

As Jews, we have an additional responsibility to speak and to act against these despicable acts, because we are heirs to the victims of a genocide, because Israel is claiming to “defend” us through the ethnic cleansing of Palestine with the ultimate goal of erasing the Palestinian people, and also because of the role played by the Jewish organizations in the United States and the West in justifying, perpetrating, and escalating Israeli state terrorism against Palestinians.

We recall
that the violence in Gaza today is the inevitable outcome—the latest link in a chain of terror—that results from an ideology based on the dispossession of the indigenous people of Palestine in favor of European Jews. Just as the ideology of White racism was the backbone of Apartheid in South Africa, so the ideology of Zionism explains the history of violence in Palestine, the ethnic cleansing of 1948, the occupation of the West bank and Gaza in 1967, and the many massacres that Israel perpetrated periodically since 1948 to the present one in Gaza. The maintenance of the Israeli state as a state founded on and perpetuating Jewish privilege requires the denial and attempted annihilation of the Palestinian people.

We recall
that unless this ideology is delegitimized and defeated, the violence in the Middle East will continue to escalate until either Palestinian or Jewish existence in the area ends, and possibly both. Racism and colonial domination will never be the basis for peace.

We stand with the majority. We will not be silent on Gaza.

We insist on an immediate end to Israel’s assault, a complete withdrawal of all Israeli forces, a complete and unconditional end to the siege, and the restoration and extension of the ceasefire. We insist on the establishment of a special international tribunal for investigating the crimes of the Israeli leadership of this siege.

We affirm
the urgent need for Jewish resistance to Zionism and stand committed to the extrication of Jewish history, politics, community, and culture from the grip of Zionism.

We situate our work in a long legacy of Jewish people throughout history who have stood in solidarity with others in common struggles against all forms of racism, empire building, and repression. As a growing sector of the Palestine solidarity movement, we call upon all Jews of conscience to take a strong stand against the current escalation of violence, as well as the murderous ground upon which Zionist ideology and the Israeli state has been constructed. We call on Jews to put an end to complicity, to break the silence, and to confront the fallacy of a Zionist consensus. We call on anti-Zionist Jews around the world to organize in escalation against the massacres on Gaza, and to continue to support Palestinian resistance through campaigns of Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions, and through actions that target their own governments’ financial and political support for Israel.

We stand with the majority. We will not be silent on Gaza.

WE call on you to JOIN US in continued ACTION!

>> Mobilize creative actions to disrupt and confront pro-Israel events, propaganda and businesses. Zionists and their supporters should not have their events, propaganda or business contributions in support of Israel go without confrontation. Creative actions are those which use creative tactics, visuals and art to convey a message about the reason for the disruption such as die-ins, projections of images on the outside of Zionist organizations, public art displays, street theater, etc. Targets may include Zionist organizations that have been mobilizing a lot of support for this attack, events to fundraise for the siege on Gaza, or billboards or poster campaigns to justify Israeli violence.

For people in North America:
The United Jewish Communities Federation of North America is sponsoring a Rallies Across North America: A week of solidarity with Israel.  Click here for a list of activities to disrupt.   

Other ways to take action…

>> Join or organize emergency protests and direct actions
in partnership with Palestine solidarity and social justice organizations in your area.

>> Donate money for Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA) cargo of medical supplies and their delivery. IJAN is partnering with MECA in collecting funds and organizing pressure to allow over 5 tons of medical supplies into Gaza through the Rafah border with Egypt. The current conditions in Gaza medical facilities are dire. Please DONATE to MECA now! In the next week IJAN will send an update out about the shipment, please be prepared to organize any necessary pressure in response to this update.

>> Contact government officials and call on them to act by denouncing the attacks and demanding an immediate cease-fire.

>> Flood Israeli embassies and consulates with letters and calls decrying the attacks. Find contact info for Israeli embassies around the world.

>> Continue circulating the petition in support of UN General Assembly President Father Miguel D’Escoto Brockmann who has spoken out to condemn Israeli "Apartheid" and call for boycott, divestment and sanctions. He has received death threats for his statement.

>> Call to Jewish Students: Efforts are underway to make visible and support the activism of Jewish students who condemn Israel’s actions in Gaza and who support the movement for boycott, divestment and sanctions.  Join the "Jewish Students Condemn Israel, Support BDS Campus Campaigns!" Facebook cause.  Email to be added to the contact list for when IJAN student campaigns are launched and send reports for the website about Jewish student participation in Gaza solidarity actions.


Gaza Solidarity Actions

ISRAEL IJAN members participated in an action organized by Anarchists Aganst the Wall.  Activists attempted to enter Gaza where the border meets the sea. Click link below to see the video of this powerful action. EGYPT An IJAN delegate of the Gaza Freedom March in Cairo, at a protest against Netanyahu’s visit.Hundreds of international and Gaza Solidarity Actions

IJAN-LA throws down for US Assembly of Jews

Members of IJAN-LA were also very active through the first half of 2010 planning and fundraising for the U.S. Assembly of Jews Confronting Racism and Israeli Apartheid, which took place in Detroit in June 2010. IJAN-LA members were active in the fundraising, programming and arts & culture working groups. Two fundraisers — a liberation seder and a house party — raised upwards of $3000 that supported the Assembly itself and allowed 7 members of IJAN-LA to attend the gathering. Many of us also participated in programming within the Justice in Palestine and BDS tracks at the U.S. Social Forum, which immediately followed the US Assembly of Jews in Detroit. We continue to meet monthly as we develop campaigns and strategies, sharpen our analysis, and support one another.

14-City Never Again for Anyone Tour

We started 2010 with our Never Again for Anyone tourwith events in fourteen cities across Europe. Dr. Hajo Meyer, an 86-year old survivor of Auschwitzand member of IJAN Netherlands, spoke to his perspective on the Zionist "Misuseof the Holocaust for Political Purposes." For most of the tour his talk was accompanied by a video presentation orlive discussion with Dr. Haidar Eid, professor and activist with the OneDemocratic State Group in Gaza.Drawing on his experience in Nazi Germany, Dr. Meyer identifies many parallels inthe role of dehumanization and discrimination in the preparation of the Germancitizens to participate in the Nazi genocide of many and the preparationofIsraeli society to accept and participate in the ethnic cleaning ofPalestinians.