
Popular Tribunal in Sao Paolo Focuses on Israel’s Role in Brazilian Repression

On August 16th, 2014 the Front in Defense of the Palestinian People (Frente em Defesa do Povo Palestino) hosted a popular tribunal charging Israel with grave crimes for its attacks on the Palestinian people and its role in contributing to state repression in Brazil. The event, Popular Tribunal: Israel on the Defendant’s Bench featured powerful testimony from many important sectors affected by the Brazilian government’s close relationship with Israel, particularly its purchase of millions of dollars worth of Israeli weapons. Testimony from members of important social movements included the Homeless Workers’ Movement (MTST), Quilombo Race and Class (Black caucus), the Students’ Federations (ANEL and UNE) and Palestinians living in Brazil. The verdict presented by Judge Joao Batista Damasceno condemned Israel’s role in repression in Brazil itself and for supplying military equipment that Brazil uses in the UN occupation of Haiti.

The tribunal follows the people’s movement assembly organized at the World Social Forum Free Palestine in Porto Alegre by IJAN, Malcolm X Grassroots Movement and the Palestinian Youth Movement with testimony from organizers from across the globe. Here are links to the 7 part video of this assembly: pt 1, pt 2, pt 3, pt 4, pt 5, pt 6 and pt 7.

The full verdict and sentence from the Sao Paulo tribunal is posted below in English. To read more about the tribunal in Portuguese, click here.

Jewish Daily Forward publishes op-ed slandering Holocaust survivors and relatives who signed on to NYT “Justice in Gaza” letter

On August 28th, 2014, The Jewish Daily Forward published an outrageous op-ed by Alvin H. Rosenfeld entitled, “Moral Emptiness of Holocaust Survivors Who Took on Israel”. Rosenfeld’s piece was written in response to a letter published in the New York Times and signed by over forty Jewish survivors and over 300 descendents of Jewish survivors and victims of the Holocaust demanding justice in Gaza. Not only did the Forward provide editorial space to Mr. Rosenfeld, who used it to personally slander and minimize prominent human rights activists, but it then denied the original letter’s signatories an opportunity to respond.

Tricycle Theater Rejects Israeli Government Funding, Faces Backlash

After two demonstrations organized by IJAN-UK last year in front of the Tricycle Theatre protesting the Israeli Embassy sponsorship of the UK Jewish Film Festival (UKJFF) , the Tricycle decided this year that given the onslaught against Gaza, they would not host the festival if it was connected financially with the Embassy. To make absolutely Tricycle Theater Rejects Israeli Government Funding, Faces Backlash

Two Responses to Alvin Rosenfeld from Signatories to Survivors’ and Descendants’ Letter

Below are two editorials from signatories to the survivors’ and descendants’ letter submitted to The Jewish Daily Forward in response to Alvin Rosenfeld’s op-ed which was full of ad hominem attacks on the signers. Neither op-ed was published nor did either author receive a response from The Forward. First is an op-ed by signatory Jesse Strauss and second one from Bruce Ballin. Click here to view a press release about The Forward’s refusal to provide the signers an opportunity to defend themselves agains Rosenfeld’s attack.

Les survivants juifs, leurs descendants et les victimes du génocide Nazi, condamnent sans équivoque le massacre des Palestiniens de Gaza

En tant que survivants, descendants juifs et des victimes du génocide Nazi nous condamnons sans équivoque le massacre des Palestiniens de Gaza et la continuation de l’occupation et la colonisation de la Palestine historique. De plus, nous condamnons les États-Unis qui fournissent financièrement Israël afin de continuer ses attaques ainsi que les états occidentaux en Les survivants juifs, leurs descendants et les victimes du génocide Nazi, condamnent sans équivoque le massacre des Palestiniens de Gaza

IJAN Protests Anti-Defamation League Role in Racist Surveillance and Policing

Protesters Confront ADL Over Police Training [9/3/14 San Francisco, CA] On September 3rd, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. protesters will gather in front of the Anti-Defamation League office at 3rd Street and Market Street in San Francisco. The action, called for by the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN) and co-sponsored by the Arab Resource and Organizing IJAN Protests Anti-Defamation League Role in Racist Surveillance and Policing

Jüdische Überlebende und Nachkommen von Überlebenden und Opfern des Nazi-Genozids verurteilen unmissverständlich das Massaker an den Palästinensern in Gaza.

Als jüdische Überlebende und Nachkommen von Überlebenden und Opfern des Nazi-Genozids verurteilen wir unmissverständlich das Massaker an den Palästinensern in Gaza ebenso wie die fortgesetzte Besetzung und Kolonisierung des historischen Palästina. Wir verurteilen weiters die Vereinigten Staaten, deren finanzielle Unterstützung Israel den Angriff ermöglicht, und insgesamt die westlichen Staaten, deren diplomatischer Muskeleinsatz Israel vor einer Jüdische Überlebende und Nachkommen von Überlebenden und Opfern des Nazi-Genozids verurteilen unmissverständlich das Massaker an den Palästinensern in Gaza.

We Pushed Urban Shield Out of Oakland, But the Struggle Continues!

IJAN participated in the Stop Urban Shield Coalition, an important campaign that reflects our work on Israel’s Worldwide Role in Repression and particularly the collaboration between the Israeli military and police forces across the United States. Below is the coalition’s statement upon achieving two major victories.

Suzanne Weiss: “I take my stand against Israel’s massacre in Gaza and in solidarity with the Palestinians seeking their freedom from Israel’s oppression”

Suzanne Weiss, August 25, 2014, press conference for survivors and descendants of survivors and victims of Nazi Genocide demanding justice in Gaza: I sign this letter in protest of the advertisement by Elie Wiesel who pretends to be the voice of Judiasm. I take my stand against Israel’s massacre in Gaza and in solidarity with Suzanne Weiss: “I take my stand against Israel’s massacre in Gaza and in solidarity with the Palestinians seeking their freedom from Israel’s oppression”