
IJAN Condemns UAW International’s Move to Annul Historic BDS Vote

The International Jewish anti-Zionist Network was very happy to hear that the student-workers in the University of California system endorsed the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) call through their local union, UAW 2865. This was the first time a major union – in this case, one representing over 14,000 workers – voted to support the BDS call, an inspiring example of grassroots union-based solidarity.

IJAN National Tour Kicks Off in LA

  Join IJAN at UCLA on February 18th at 6:15pm for the first workshop on our upcoming national tour. UCLA SJP has invited IJAN to speak on campus about The Business of Backlash, mapping the funders and foundations that enable the increased repression of Palestine liberation organizing on and off campus. More information on the UCLA IJAN National Tour Kicks Off in LA

Mondoweiss: Protesters Stage Citizens’ Arrest of Israeli Foreign Minister

By Annie Robbins Bay Area activists pulled off an awesome action yesterday at Ha’aretz’s Zionism 3.0: Israel’s Place in Tomorrow’s World conference in Palo Alto, California. As Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely was introduced and stepped up to the podium a clear voice rang out: “Tzipi Hotovely this is a citizens’ arrest! We charge you with inciting Mondoweiss: Protesters Stage Citizens’ Arrest of Israeli Foreign Minister

INFOGRAPHIC: Zionism and Racism

Criticizing Israel is not anti-Semitic… It is anti-Racist.
Zionism is a political ideology; it is a form of Jewish Nationalism.
Anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism; it is opposition to Zionism and the racist, apartheid policies of the Israeli state.
Because Zionism is racist, we must challenge it if we believe in racial justice.
Anti-Zionism is Anti-Racist.

Déclaration D’ijan Sur Les Attentats À Paris, Beyrouth, Bagdad, Yola Et Kano

[En español] [In English] Paris, Beyrouth, Bagdad, Yola et Kano: les noms de ces villes sont de nouveau, cette semaine, des noms de massacres. Le Réseau Juif Antisioniste International (IJAN) condamne sans hésitation les crimes horribles perpétrés ces derniers jours, ceux auxquels les grands media ont donné une visibilité, comme dans la capitale de la Déclaration D’ijan Sur Les Attentats À Paris, Beyrouth, Bagdad, Yola Et Kano

Declaración de IJAN sobre los atentados en París, Beirut, Bagdad, Yola y Kano

La Red Internacional Judía Antisionista (IJAN, por sus siglas en Inglés) condena terminantemente los horribles crímenes perpetrados en los últimos días; los que los medios de comunicación han visibilizado, como en Francia, y los que se han negado a ver, como en el Líbano, Irak y Nigeria; y como siempre, en Palestina. Rechazamos estas operaciones criminales – sea quien fuera el o los responsables. Y somos solidarixs con la gente, las víctimas inocentes de estos crímenes.

IJAN Stands with NYC Students for Justice in Palestine

Like the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, Students for Justice in Palestine chapters operate with two fundamental assumptions. One of them is that Zionism is a form of racism. The second is that opposing Zionism means opposing all forms of racism and colonialism – including anti-Black, anti-immigrant, anti-Arab, and anti-Jewish racism.