The United States IJAN chapter has members across the country, from the West Coast to the Midwest to New England. We focus on issues and campaigns that are specific to our context, while remaining in close conversation and consultation with international partners and points of reference. Within the US, we work closely with a variety of organizations and networks within, or in solidarity with, the Palestinian liberation movement, as well as those who are struggling against racism, colonialism, class rule, and state violence more broadly within the US, but who understand the importance of the Palestinian struggle to all of our movements.

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A History of JCRC’s Attacks on Community Based Organizations
For the past two decades, Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) has been funded to go after organizations who support Palestinian human rights. Today, JCRC is targeting the Arab Resource and Organizing Center (AROC) in an attempt to strike them from a resolution with the San Francisco Unified School District that creates greater language access for Arab and Vietnamese families.

JCRC and the Attack on Palestinian Solidarity in the Bay Area
Over the years, the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) of San Francisco has attacked numerous people of color-led organizations fighting for social justice that have taken a stand in support of Palestinian rights. Today, JCRC is targeting the Arab Resource and Organizing Center (AROC) in an attempt to strike them from a resolution with the San Francisco Unified School District that creates greater language access for Arab and Vietnamese families.

IJAN Stands with Rasmea Odeh
IJAN) condemns the US government’s decision to sentence Rasmea Odeh, Palestinian organizer and community leader, to 18 months in prison for allegedly lying on her immigration and US citizenship paperwork.

Sign-on to Oppose SCR 35
IJAN condemns SCR 35, and rejects the notion that the bill comes out of any genuine commitment to the struggle against racism. Although the language of the bill makes it seem as though it is taking a stand against antisemitism and racism, the truth of the matter is that SCR 35 is a Trojan Horse for Zionism.

IJAN condena la Islamofobia y el asesinato de los tres estudiantes musulmanes en Chapel Hill,Carolina del Norte, EEUU
La Red Internacional Judía Antisionista (IJAN) expresa consternación y sus profundas condolencias ante el brutal asesinato de tres estudiantes musulmanes estadounidenses en la Universidad de Carolina del Norte en Chapel Hill el 10 de Febrero de 2015. Enviamos nuestros más sentidos pésames a los seres queridos de las víctimas de este abominable crimen.

Stop the Criminalization of the Black Liberation Movement
IJAN joins with theNational Lawyers Guild, Malcolm X Grassroots Movement and National Conferenceof Black Lawyers in rejecting the U.S. government'sattempt to smear Assata Shakur as a "terrorist." The outrageous FBI designationof Shakur as a "most wanted terrorist" further lays bare the blatantpoliticization of the term.





Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities