The UK chapter of IJAN was launched in 2008. From the beginning we have prioritised our accountability to the Palestinian struggle, worked with others in the Palestinian solidarity movement (members of IJAN are currently working as part of London Palestine Action) and other grassroots movements impacted by Israeli apartheid, murder, repression, militarization and other brutality.

Tricycle Theater Rejects Israeli Government Funding, Faces Backlash
After two demonstrations organized by IJAN-UK last year in front of the Tricycle Theatre protesting the Israeli Embassy sponsorship of the UK Jewish Film Festival (UKJFF) , the Tricycle decided this year that given the onslaught against Gaza, they would not host the festival if it was connected financially with the Embassy. To make absolutely ... Tricycle Theater Rejects Israeli Government Funding, Faces Backlash

Jews in Britain Thank Tricycle Theatre For Refusing to Accept Israeli Sponsorship
Jews in Britain Against Genocide wrote the following letter to the artistic director of the Tricycle Theater thanking the Tricycle for refusing to host a film festival funded in part by the Israeli government. The letter expresses outrage at false accusations of anti-Semitism leveled at the Tricycle and condemns Israel's use of culture to promote its global image as a way of maintaining impunity in its murderous violence against and disposession of Palestinians.

Divestment Win! London Theater Refuses to Host Festival Sponsored by Israel Embassy
Last November, IJAN and Israeli & Irish supporters had two lively and noisy protests of the Tricycle when they hosted the Israeli-sponsored UK Jewish Film Festival (UKJFF) last year (2 & 13 November 2013). The protest was organized as part of BDS (the effort for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel), and targeted the film festival because it is co-sponsored by the Israeli embassy. Now the Tricycle has refused to host the film festival citing the continued sponsorship of the embassy.

The Board of Deputies of British Jews is condoning genocide in Gaza. They don’t represent us.
At 3.30pm today, 4 August 2014, outside the London offices of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, on the 27th day of Israel’s military attack on the Gazan people, Jews in Britain Against Genocide staged a die-in to commemorate the hundreds of Palestinian children deliberately targeted and killed by Israel. We displayed toys, clothes and replicas of mutilated children and babies smeared red to symbolise the blood of Palestinian children murdered by Israeli forces.





Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities