
Sign-on to Oppose SCR 35
IJAN condemns SCR 35, and rejects the notion that the bill comes out of any genuine commitment to the struggle against racism. Although the language of the bill makes it seem as though it is taking a stand against antisemitism and racism, the truth of the matter is that SCR 35 is a Trojan Horse for Zionism.

Stop the Criminalization of the Black Liberation Movement
IJAN joins with theNational Lawyers Guild, Malcolm X Grassroots Movement and National Conferenceof Black Lawyers in rejecting the U.S. government'sattempt to smear Assata Shakur as a "terrorist." The outrageous FBI designationof Shakur as a "most wanted terrorist" further lays bare the blatantpoliticization of the term.

IJAN Condemns Islamophobia and the Murder of three Muslim Students in Chapel Hill, NC
The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN) expresses its profound sympathy and grief over the brutal murder of three Muslim American students at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill on February 10, 2015. We send our heartfelt condolences to the loved ones of the victims of this heinous crime. 19-year-old Razan Muhammed Abu-Salha, 21-year-old Yusor Muhammed Abu-Salha, and 23 year-old Deah Shaddy Barakat were all murdered in cold blood, “execution-style,” as the father of the two women said.

IJAN Spain salutes and supports the initiative of the Platform Against Islamophobia (Spain)
IJAN is glad to present its solidarity with the Platform Against Islamophobia and its promotion of a Strategic Plan and Comprehensive Law against Hate Crimes, as well as its implementation at the national and state levels. We seek to add our network to your list of supporters.

Plataforma Ciudadana Contra la Islamofobia
IJAN, International Jewish Antizionist Network, Red Internacional Judía antisionista por sus siglas en inglés, tiene el agrado de presentar su solidaridad con la Plataforma contra la Islamofobia. y su reclamo de un Plan Estratégico y una Ley Integral contra los Delitos de Odio, exigiendo su puesta en marcha a las autoridades españolas y a nivel estatal. Solicitamos tengan a bien de añadir nuestra red a vuestra lista de adhesiones. En nuestra red, hay miembros activos, hijo/as y nieto/as de supervivientes del genocidio nazi. Asumimos la responsabilidad de solidarizarnos con aquellos perseguidos, oprimidos , vulnerables , con motivo de su fe, fisonomía, cultura, gentilicio... subrayando de forma contundente que el grito de Nunca Más, es Nunca más para todo grupo humano.

Governor Brown Should Not Use the Holocaust to Hide Racism

AsCalifornia prisoners' massive hunger strike against long-term solitaryconfinement, group punishment, and other cruel and inhuman policies of the CDCR(California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation) enters its second week,Governor Jerry Brown is on a two-week vacation to Germanyand Ireland.  To add insult to injury, itincludes a visit to the Dachau concentration camp.

It isshocking for the Governor to have chosen this time to go on vacation while the CDCRrefuses to meet the hunger strikers' five just demands that would end the torture ofprisoners in the state he is supposed to be responsible for governing.  The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Networkis outraged that Brown dares to exploit theNazi genocide to distract from his complicity in the repression and racism againstprisoners, disproportionately people of color and low income people, women andtransgender people, in order to make money for the lucrative prison industry inCalifornia. 

Pleasetake a moment to sign the  Pledge of Resistance to stand with Californiaprisoners on hunger strike!






Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities