
IJAN is represented in three main regions in Spain, Galicia (Vigo), Madrid and Catalonia (Barcelona). Our main activities are participating in the State Network of Organisations Working in Solidarity with Palestine (RESCOP), which focuses on building BDS at the Spanish and European levels.

In Catalonia, together with Junts, IJAN belongs to a recently created coalition of called Prou Complicitat amb Israel (Enough complicity with Israel) with a focus on denouncing the ties between the Regional Governement of Catalonia and the State of Israel, especially since part of the Catalonian independence movement aligning itself with this governement considers Israel as a model for a future independent State of Catalonia.

IJAN is engaged in confronting Israel around its use of Spain as a base for carrying out its arms trade with Europe and South America.

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Casi trescientos de judíos supervivientes y descendientes de supervivientes del Genocidio Nazi condenan la masacre de palestinos
Casi trescientos de supervivientes y descendientes de supervivientes del genocidio Nazi firman un manifiesto titulado ¡Nunca más para cualquiera! condenando la masacre de Gaza y reclaman el fin del genocidio del pueblo palestino. En la carta también denuncian el uso fraudulento de sus historias y biografías para promover la deshumanización de los palestinos tal como hacen Elie Wiesel junto a otros autores en recientes artículos (Ver, aparecidos en The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post y The Guardian. Por favor done para ayudar a poner esta carta en el New York Times.

New Study Highlights Spanish and Catalonian Complicity with Israel
In Catalonia researchers are releasing an important new study today in honor of the Nakba. “DEFENCE, SECURITY AND OCCUPATION AS A BUSINNESS. Military, armaments and security trade relations between Spain and Israel,” released by Alejandro Pozo and his team, is a follow up to a 2009 report looking at the military and homeland security links ... New Study Highlights Spanish and Catalonian Complicity with Israel




Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities