IJAN National Tour
Recap of 2016: A Year of Growth, Study and Action for IJAN
In late 2015, as we assessed the state of IJAN, we determined that building our projects and better supporting our partners would require growing our membership. We entered 2016 with a commitment to seed new chapters and increase our outreach through a national tour, open meetings, study groups, community rituals and more. Throughout the year, we ... Recap of 2016: A Year of Growth, Study and Action for IJAN
Jewish Anti-Zionism Workshop in Ann Arbor (April 21st)
We are excited to invite you to another presentation on IJAN's 2016 national tour. On Thursday, April 21st, David Langstaff, a long-time IJAN organizer, will be presenting on Jewish Anti-zionism and Joint Struggle Against Racism and Colonialism at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. The event, sponsored by IJAN, JVP and Students Allied for Freedom and ... Jewish Anti-Zionism Workshop in Ann Arbor (April 21st)
Business of Backlash Workshop at Cornell with IJAN and Cornell SJP
  Through the ongoing colonization of Palestine, the United States and Israel have developed expertise in repression. Movements for social and environmental justice need to address the ways the Israeli government and U.S. Zionist foundations perpetrate violence and repression in Palestine as well as the ways they use these tools to police marginalized communities in ... Business of Backlash Workshop at Cornell with IJAN and Cornell SJP
Business of Backlash Presentation in Minneapolis- April 30th, 1:00pm
    April 30th, 2016 1:00pm-3:00pm Boneshaker Books 2002 23rd Avenue S. Minneapolis, MN 55404     Across the country and, most recently, in the Twin Cities, the BDS movement has experienced aggressive efforts to silence critique of Israel and foreclose on effective organizing against zionism. Last month, divestment campaigns at University of Minnesota resulted in ... Business of Backlash Presentation in Minneapolis- April 30th, 1:00pm
UC Irvine: The Second Tour Stop on IJAN U.S. Spring Tour
Join IJAN and Students for Justice in Palestine at UC Irvine for an Unlearning Zionism workshop on Friday, February 19th, at 11am. Find more information about this workshop and discussion here.
IJAN National Tour Kicks Off in LA
  Join IJAN at UCLA on February 18th at 6:15pm for the first workshop on our upcoming national tour. UCLA SJP has invited IJAN to speak on campus about The Business of Backlash, mapping the funders and foundations that enable the increased repression of Palestine liberation organizing on and off campus. More information on the UCLA ... IJAN National Tour Kicks Off in LA




Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities