La construcción de la Historia Oficial sobre la familia Bibas
En estos días, estamos viendo un descomunal operativo de prensa destinado a deshumanizar a la Resistencia palestina de Gaza. Aceptando sin dudar por al menos un segundo la narrativa inventada por el gobierno israelí racista envalentonado por su continuada impunidad garantizada por la protección de EEUU y la UE, los medios hegemónicos al servicio del poder establecido repiten que Hamas mató salvajemente a la familia Bibas. Ignoran y esconden, de esta manera, que ya el 29 de noviembre de 2023, Hamas avisó que los miembros de la familia Bibas habían sido asesinados salvajemente, junto a miles de niñas y niños palestinxs, por los bombardeos masivos de la aviación israelí en Gaza1. Y que en ese mismo día ofreció devolver los cadáveres a la ocupación israelí1, pero el gobierno genocida de Natanyahu no aceptó la oferta.
Mondoweiss: Protesters Stage Citizens’ Arrest of Israeli Foreign Minister
By Annie Robbins Bay Area activists pulled off an awesome action yesterday at Ha’aretz’s Zionism 3.0: Israel’s Place in Tomorrow’s World conference in Palo Alto, California. As Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely was introduced and stepped up to the podium a clear voice rang out: “Tzipi Hotovely this is a citizens’ arrest! We charge you with inciting ... Mondoweiss: Protesters Stage Citizens’ Arrest of Israeli Foreign Minister
EI: Event honoring Edward Said prompts Zionist smear campaign against SF State students By Nora Barrows-Friedman, Tuesday 11/26/2013 An anti-Palestinian group is mounting an attack against students at San Francisco State University. Following an on-campus event honoring a mural of the late Palestinian scholar Edward Said, the group asserted that an artistic stencil glorified "the murder of Jews." The university's president, at the urging of pro-Israel advocates, ... EI: Event honoring Edward Said prompts Zionist smear campaign against SF State students
[This article from hispantv.comtalks about a recent IJAN initiative, but the original article includes a picture from Neturei Karta,not IJAN.
Este artículo de discute una iniciativa recientede la Red Judía AntisionistaInternacional (IJAN), pero la imagen seincluye es de NetureiKarta, no la Red (IJAN)]
[Here is an article from a Brazilian newspaper about the big March in solidarity with Palestine on November 29th. It identifies IJAN as supporting a solution that sees full justice for everyone. However, the article falsely identifies IJAN as supporting the statehood bid. Additionally, the comments offered were addressing Palestinian self-determination, not statehood specifically.
Aqui está um artigo de um jornal brasileiro sobre a grande marcha em solidariedade com a Palestina em 29 de novembro. Ele identifica IJAN de apoiar uma solução que vê justiça plena para todos. No entanto, o artigo identificafalsamente IJAN como o apoio à candidatura estado. Além disso, os comentários foram oferecidos abordar a autodeterminação palestina, e nãoum Estado especificamente.]
Stanford Daily: SPER Hosts National Palestinian Conference By Sam Kurland October 29th, 2013 This past weekend, Stanford Students for Palestinian Equal Rights (SPER) hosted nearly 300 college students from more than 70 campuses across the country to express solidarity with the Palestinian liberation movement. The third annual conference was organized by the Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), a national student ... Stanford Daily: SPER Hosts National Palestinian Conference