Workshop: Occupy Anti-Semitism
On March 25th IJAN's Chicago chapter delivered a workshop entitled Occupy Anti-Semitism: Distinguishing Anti-Semitism from Opposition to Zionismat Occupy Chicago. Over the course of two hours, four of our members gave a presentation covering the history of Anti-semitism, its present manifestations, its manipulation and exploitation by groups across the political spectrum, the function of Israel/Zionism within global systems of oppression and exploitation and specifically the use of charges of Anti-Semitism to undermine the Durban World Conference Against Racism initiatives and more recently Occupy Chicago. We examined how Zionist institutions have attempted to marginalize, not only Palestinian and solidarity organizations, but also the broader movement while simultaneously attempting to drive a wedge into the movement.

Following the presentation there was a lively discussion amongst thethirty participants exploring the nature and material consequences of oppression and discrimination as it exists in this historical moment and where Anti-Semitism falls in relation to this. Participants also discussed the similarities and differences between how oppression manifests for those groups targeted and how to confront it.

Overall the presentation was well received and we look forward to futurecollaborations with Occupy Chicago. The full presentation is available to listen to on www.radio4all.net
IJAN's Haggadah reaches Hamilton
A Liberation Seder was held in Hamilton, Ontario on the second night of Pesach. IJAN's Haggadah was used and each family received at least one printed copy. 22 people attended including members of Independent Jewish Voices (IJV, Hamilton and Toronto) and Not in Our Name: Jews Opposing Zionism (NION, Hamilton and Toronto), as well as Christian clergy and anti-war organizers. The food was amazing (Vegan Sepharadic Kosher for Pesach style), and we sang all the songs! (We had difficulty trying to change the words of the most traditional ones but we will continue to try to do so next year). Guests were so grateful for the opportunity to celebrate Passover outside of a Zionist environment that they ended up shouting "Next Year in Hamilton!"

This was the first activity of IJAN in Hamilton with one of the goals being to get to know the activists in the area and form long term relationships. If the reaction to the Seder is any indication, we've succeeded on both counts. The Seder was extremely successful and we intend to hold it every year.

We are already planning our next event. We hope to coordinate this event with IJV Hamilton, IJAN Toronto and IJV Toronto.

We feel very grateful for IJAN's Haggadah and for the opportunity of talking about Jewish anti-Zionism with Jews, Christians and Muslims, opening doors and discussions that will go beyond the second night of Pesach.
Land Day, March 30, 2012
On March 30th, 1976 Palestinians went on general strike and held non-violent marches and protests in response to an Israeli announcement that the state would be stealing more land from Palestinian citizens of Israel. Israel reacted to these non-violent actions with deadly force. Six Palestinians were killed, hundreds wounded, and many more jailed.March 30, now known as Land Day, has become an annual commemoration of that day. It is a day to not only remember those killed in 1976 but to mourn the loss ofland and those who died defending the land from the time of the earliest Zionist colonizers.March 30 is also the anniversary of the launch of the Stop the Jewish National Fund (JNF) Campaign in 2011 (www.stopthejnf.org). Stop the JNF is an international campaign aimed at ending the role of the JNF (or inHebrew KKL – for Keren Kayemet LeIsrael) in its on-going displacement of Palestinians from their land, the theft of their property, its cover-up of both, its funding of historic and present-day colonies, and the destruction of the natural environment.




Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities