IJAN participation in US Social Forum

Inaddition to the organizing of the Assembly, IJAN, along with the U.S.Palestinian Community Network (USPCN), was a member of the US Social Forum NationalPlanning Committee (NPC). At the US Social Forum (which the Assembly preceeded),IJAN was a part of many historic and revolutionary moments. IJAN supported andparticipated in presenting multiple of the 25+ workshops that made up thePalestine Track and 2 Palestine-centric People’s Movement Assemblies (PMAs). As part ofUnited Against Racism (UAR), IJAN also supported the process of more than sixanti-imperialist, community of color PMAs coming together to publicly declaretheir commitment to joint struggle. 

IJAN organized a workshop on Unlearning Zionism to a full house.There were many participants who engaged respectfully and shared that theworkshop was transformative for them and expressed interest in participating inIJAN and related campaigns. Others reflected less then useful tendencies in themovement—those who bring their anti-Semitism to the Palestine solidarity andanti-Zionist movements, suggesting that Jewish organizing against Zionism ispart of Jewish power and conspiracies; soft Zionists who insist on taking spaceto question the validity of the colonial history that was presented. Overall,we are committed to continuing to offer this workshop across the United Statesfor those interested in struggling with Zionism as a form of racism andimperialism.   

IJAN,as a USSF NPC member, was also a part of discussions and process that led tothe decision to cancel the workshop by an overtly Zionist workshop attemptingto ‘pinkwash’ Israel. This ‘pinkwashing’ was an attempt to present this Zionistorganization as speaking for queers of the Middle East while having no actualconnection to these queer communities and only using the guise of ‘queerliberation’ as another attempt to further the Zionist agenda.  Our hope isthat this situation will allow us to grow and strengthen how we can supportincreasingly effective responses to future attempts by Zionist organizations todivide and infiltrate our movement. Part of our work is to build joint struggleacross our social movements in the United Statessuch that Zionism is understood as a form of racism and the Palestinianstruggle is understood as central to our goals for justice in the US.  

IJAN Participates in Nationwide Demonstrations Against Olmert

 IJANUS activists participated in demonstrations in Chicago, New Orleans and SanFrancisco to protest former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's visit to the United States.

Click here; http://electronicintifada.net/v2/article10851.shtml for a video of the protest in Chicago.

Click here: http://electronicintifada.net/v2/article10834.shtmlfor a video of the protest in San Francisco.


Anti-Zionist Politics and Practice: IJAN Presentation

On FridayApril 30 at the Port Studies Institute in Málaga, Al-Quds and IJANSpain held a conference with the title "Political and Strategic Role ofanti-Zionist Organizations in Solidarity with Palestine." The audience was moved bythe parallels between Jewish history in Spain and the Palestinianexperience and inspired by the confrontation of Zionism as part of the Jewishlegacy of participation in our own and collective liberation struggles.


En Viernes 30 de Abril a las 19h30, en el Instituto de Estudios Portuarios en Malaga, Al Qudstuvo lugar una conferencia con eltítulo "Papel político y estratégicode las organizaciones antisionistas en la solidaridad con Palestina". IntervendroSara Kershnar, co-fundadora de la red IJAN.

IJAN es una Red Internacional de OrganizacionesJudías Antisionistas, cuya identidad y participación política no está basada enel sionismo, sino en la larga historia de participación de las comunidadesjudías, en las luchas emancipatorias y de liberación de toda Europa. Su solidaridad con la lucha de liberación palestina refleja su compromisocon todas las luchas actuales contra el racismo, la colonización y elimperialismo.





Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities