False story about IJAN in Iranian media

On September 27, the Iranian Republic News Agency (IRNA) published an article involving the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN), claiming that the organization met with Iranian president Ahmadinejad. It references ‘Spokesman for the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, David Weiss.’ Other Iranian on-line websites have reprinted similar stories.

There is not and has never been a member of or a spokesman for IJAN by the name of David Weiss. IJAN has not met with Ahmadinejad. We do not know who is responsible for the misrepresentation, whether the journalist or someone impersonating a member or spokesman of IJAN, but the claim of IJAN having met with Ahmadinejad is false.

Support Joint Struggle at the World Social Forum Free Palestine
InNovember, 2012, social movements from around the globe will gather in Porto Alegre, Brazil to demand and organize for a free Palestine. The World Social Forum (WSF) Free Palestine is an expression of global social movements’ opposition to capitalism, colonialism, war, occupation and racism.


IJAN is part of organizing a US-Canada cross-movement delegation to the WSF Free Palestine. And we need your help to get there.


The delegation, initiated by the US Social Forum, includesProject South, the Palestinian Youth Movement, the Black Alliance for Just Immigration, and the Muslim Defense Project among other leaders at the forefront of grassroots movements. Click here to see the growing list of endorsing organizations.

Our aim is to promote joint strugglefor Palestinian liberation, indigenous self-determination, the rights of refugees and migrants, economic justice and labor rights, queer liberation and gender justice, the sustainability of the land and natural resources and the creation of a people’s economy. 


Comingtogether in Brazil will provide an opportunity to organize for Palestinian liberation in ways that strengthen all our struggles for justice. Donate now to support the Joint Struggle Delegation’s travel expenses to Porto Alegre. 


Formore information on why confronting Israel and Zionism is so central toour struggles for justice, freedom from repression and war, ecological preservation and indigenous sovereignty, watch a presentationby members of IJAN, Malcolm X Grassroots Movement and the Center for Constitutional Rights (all members of the Joint Struggle Delegation). 


Please contribute what you can to this unique opportunity to broaden the movement for Palestinian liberation. Click here for other ways to get involved.
From Palestine to Pelican Bay

On October 7th, 2011, 10 days into hunger strikes across California State and Israeli occupation prisons, Palestinian, formerly incarcerated, Jewish Anti-Zionist and other activists demonstrated in Chicago, San Francisco and New York City.  Below is a video from the action in San Francisco.


From Palestine to Pelican Bay from Intl Jewish Anti-Zionist Network on Vimeo.





Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities