In Contempt: Zionism and McCarthyism in Canada
“In Contempt: Zionism and McCarthyism in Canada” by Naomi Binder Wall, speaks to some of the comparisons being drawn between Zionism and McCarthyism, as an escalating backlash in Canada continues to attack critics of the Israeli state. These attacks have taken a sinister turn, marked by escalating government interference including ominous changes to Canadian foreign policy language, Islamophobic homeland security operations, and cancellation of federal funding to prominent Arab and other organizations providing programs, settlement services, and project support in Palestine. “In Contempt: Zionism and McCarthyism in Canada” is available in the Canadian Arab Federation (CAF) Weekly Newsletter, January 26, 2010. CAF is the national organization representing Canadians of Arab origin.
Newspaper Article in Response to Never Again Tour: "Auschwitz survivor: ‘Israel acts like Nazis'"
Exclusive: Graeme Murray and Chris WattOne of the last remaining Auschwitz survivors has launched a blistering attack on Israel over its occupation of Palestine as he began a lecture tour of Scotland.Dr Hajo Meyer, 86, who survived 10 months in the Nazi death camp, spoke out as his 10-day tour of the UK and Ireland ... Newspaper Article in Response to Never Again Tour: "Auschwitz survivor: ‘Israel acts like Nazis'"
Massacres de masse au XX

D'abord quelques remarques terminologiques.

Pour éviter toute discussion juridique inopportune, nous proposons de parler de massacres de masse au XXème siècle plutôt que de génocides ou decrimes contre l'humanité. Ces deux derniers termes ont été l'objet de définitions juridiques après la seconde guerre mondiale, le terme "crime contre l'humanité" ayant été défini dans le cadre du procès de Nuremberg . S'il peut être intéressant d'avoir une intervention sur les aspects juridiques, cela ne nous semble pas ici le point le plus important.




Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities



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