The CPCCA arose out a conference called theInter-Parliamentary Committee for Combating Anti-Semitism that was held in London, Englandin February 2009. Eleven Canadian MPs, including Irwin Cotler, a Liberal MP andkey player in the pro-Israel camp, attended that meeting and returned with aresolve to create a coalition against anti-Semitism in this country. Termed the"new anti-Semitism" it is defined, in part, as excessive criticism of the stateof Israel - comparing Israel'sactions to Apartheid or those of Nazi Germany, for instance. The committee'sformation is a transparent initiative to create the conditions for legitimatingthe criminalization of criticism of Israel. The CPCCA has no officialparliamentary status but is a conglomeration of MPs from diverse politicalaffiliations and across party lines. In June 2009, the committee launched itsnation-wide inquiry into anti-Semitism by inviting written submissions on thesubject.
The list of witnesses revealed a transparently biased selection andexcluded submissions from people intending to substantively challenge thenotion of a "new anti-Semitism." The CPCCA allegedly plans to submit a reporton anti-Semitism to the Government of Canada, in anticipation of the next Interparliamentary Conference on CombatingAnti-Semitism, to be held in Ottawain November 2010. Michael Keefer'sbook, "Antisemitism Real and Imagined: Responses to the Canadian ParliamentaryCoalition to Combat Antisemitism" exposes the political extremism of theCPCCA's prime movers and their transparent agenda to manufacture ajustification for criminalizing criticism of the state of Israel. Keefer, a professor at the University of Guelph,includes in his book a selection of the rejected submissions written byindividual Canadians and human rights organizations whose contributionsquestion the legitimacy of the CPCCA, its extra-parliamentary "mandate", andits overt support for Israel'sviolations of international law. All of these submissions were rejected byCPCCA investigators.
For more information about Keefer's book and how to orderit, go to
PFEX is a coalition ofdifferent groups, including IJAN-Toronto, who are part of the Palestinesolidarity movement that came together to struggle against the repression ofdissent of both Israeli apartheid and its attendant policies, and Canada'sunquestioning support of Israel. In response to the upcoming report from theCPCCA detailing its "investigation" of anti-Semitism in Canada, PFEX has produced acounter-report. The release date is later this fall. Another project is anupcoming fundraiser for the Canadian Arab Federation, to help offset courtcosts for its case against Immigration Minister, Jason Kenney. Kenney isresponsible for the cutting of CAF's funding. For more information, please goto:
Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities