IJAN, one of the organisers of the protest, was askedby.Al-Jazeera for an article– some of which is quoted in their report (in Arabic) . See article below for original.
And below that, a Guardian report of the arrest warrant for Livni!! Thereare also reports in Ha’aretz and the JewishChronicle.
Tzipi Livni, current leader ofIsrael ’sKadima party, will be a star of the JNF 13 December conference, Creating A New Future For Israel in the Negev. Livni was constantly on our screens during last year’s bombing ofGaza , a chief apologistof the slaughter. Shamelessly, she had said: “There is nohumanitarian crisis in Gaza .”[1]
Livni’s brutality has atradition. Her parents were prominent members of the terroristorganisation Irgun – responsible for the 1946 bombing of theKing David Hotel inJerusalem . Ninety-one peoplewere killed: including 41 Arabs, 28 British, and 17 Jews. The Irgun announcedthat it would mourn Jewish victims, not, British ones [2]; there was not evenmention of the Arab dead.
In this one action the Zionists had killed moreJewish people than all the rockets ever fired fromGaza to Sderot. But during lastyear’s onslaught Livni’s concern was for Sderot: “It isunbearable. Children cannot go to school, and the residents cannot live theirlives” [3]
The JNF conference that Livni willgrace is part and parcel of the ethnic cleansing of the Negev Bedouinpeople. Discriminatory laws and practices have forced tens of thousandsto live under constant threat of seeing their homes demolished and theircommunities torn apart.[4] Hundreds of Bedouin and Israeli Jewshave protested the state’s refusal to recognise Bedouin villages,depriving them of water, and the JNF’s theft of Bedouin land. [5]
By Aaron Lakoff
The Israel/Palestine debate has been a controversial topic atConcordia in recent years. However, there is a point when discussion ona controversial issue can be used as a pretext for censorship andrepression. With recent political manoeuvring within and beyondConcordia around this issue, I fear that we may be moving in thatdirection.
The presidents of some 25 Canadian universities were invited toOttawa this week to testify at the Canadian Parliamentary Inquiry Intoanti-Semitism, an initiative of the Canadian Parliamentary Coalition toCombat anti-Semitism. Frederick Lowy, who was Concordia's presidentuntil 2005, testified on Nov. 24.
As a Jewish student at Concordia myself, some might find it odd thatI would oppose such a forum and the participation of personalities frommy university.
I would be in favour of the CPCCA if its purpose were to fight realanti-Semitism, but a closer examination shows us that this isdefinitely not the case. The CPCCA is merely a tool to stifle debate onIsraeli apartheid at Canadian university campuses and elsewhere.
Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities