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At the one-year anniversary of its brutal attack on Gaza, Israel andits allies continue to reveal their disregard for human life, freedomand dignity.
• After closing and controlling its borders, Israel brutally bombed and then invaded Gaza—leaving 1,417 Palestinians dead including 313 children and youth.
• Since the attack, which destroyed houses, wells, factories, schools, hospitals, police stations and other public buildings, the blockade has created conditions for genocide through contamination of water supplies due to white phosphorous, raw sewage pouring into the sea, and the prevention of food, medical, and other humanitarian supplies from entering Gaza. People living in Gaza are already feeling the terrible long term effects including a huge increase in birth defects and in cancers especially in children.
• As the siege and blockade of Gaza continues, Israel escalates its theft of land and home demolition in East Jerusalem—forcibly evicting or demolishing the homes of more than 600 Palestinian people in East Jerusalem and other parts of the West Bank this year, half of them children.
• Israel continues to build and police its Apartheid Wall as part of carving up and repressing the West Bank for purposes of military control, land theft and the control of Palestinian water supplies.
• And, inside of Israel, spearheaded by the Jewish National Fund, land and water theft continues, as Bedouins and solidarity activists resist the call for direct removal of the 70,000 Bedouin occupants from their land in the Negev.
Asa result, Israel has faced international condemnation. Its barbaricassault on Gaza was met with mass demonstrations across the globe. Itsbarbarity has inspired humanitarian efforts to break the siege, callsfor prosecution and the issuance of warrants for the arrest of Israeliwar criminals, and the breaking of diplomatic ties by Venezuela,Bolivia, and Mauritania.
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