Atlanta Jews Disrupt Jewish National Fund Annual Convention


Contact stopjnf.us@gmail.com  


A historic confrontation of the JNF by Atlanta Jews seeking the revocation of JNF's charitable status  

On October 10, 2010, over 30 Atlanta Jews and other people of conscience protested the 2010 Jewish National Fund (JNF) Annual Conferenceheld at the Inter-Continental Hotel in Atlanta, GA over Columbus Day weekend.  At the start of the protest, the group sent a delegation into the conference, peacefully interrupting the main plenary.   Onemember of the delegation, Lisa Adler, shouted from the front of the plenary, "The JNF lied to me. I am a Jew who once gave but never again.  Find out the truth, JNF displaces Palestinians and covers up their villages with trees.  Join us in stopping the JNF and Israeli Apartheid."  Afterpeacefully delivering their message and facing punches and kicks, the delegation proceeded to the front entrance of the hotel and joined with the full group marching with signs and chanting, "JNF, shame on you, displacing people is what you do." 

The Jewish National Fund was founded in 1901 to acquire land for Jewish settlement. Jews around the world are familiar with donating to the JNF through itsblue and white signature collection boxes for campaigns such as "Plant a Tree in Israel".  In this way, the JNF has represented itself and been recognized in over 50 countries as a charitable environmental organization. However, Jews and others have become increasingly aware of its true role in Israel.  The JNF in reality, uses its reforestation projects to literally cover up Palestinian villages that have been destroyed to makeway for the state of Israel and thereby preventing the return of Palestinians to their land.  They are integral to an apartheid system in Israel by requiring that only Jews can lease or buy land that they control.  Currently, the JNF is displacing Bedouin populations in the Negev to make room for more Jewish-only settlements.  As the conscience around the world is raised around Israel's policies, more and more Jews are speaking out and demanding an end to these discriminatory practices. 


Photos, video and interviews available, including: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aareJ8-SgAM

Black Agenda Morning Shot for Monday, October 11, 2010: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StgGyj6mPKU

Protest at Jewish National Fund national conference
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Anti-Semitism, Zionism, "Right of Existence" by George Pumphrey

Anti-Semitism,has recently become one of the most used (and misused) words in currentpolitical terminology. It falls into a category with other terms such as"Human Rights", and "terrorism" - terms often used but with"flexible," nebulous definitions.

Whereas renowned Jews have often denounced the misuse and thereforetrivialization of the term, few non-Jews have dared come forward to do thesame. This problem is often treated as if it were an inter-Jewish problem andnot one that concerns the whole of humanity.

The term anti-Semitism is often deliberately misused to silencecriticism, particularly to intimidate non-Jewish critics of Zionism, both inthe form of Israeli state policy and as policies of the Israel lobby abroad.

I believe that this intimidation of many non-Jews - especially in Germany- is so effective, because many are so insecure about what anti-Semitismactually is, where its limits lie, and how far one can criticize the actions ofthe Israeli government before committing anti-Semitism.




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