North American Convening

Join us in organizing this convening—become part of the coordinatingcommittee, organize local planning meetings to develop workshops and preparefor local participation, participate in the academic, cultural, spiritual,student or Jews of Color/Mizrahi networks to develop relevant workshops andtracks, participate in planning a film series, cultural events and/or an artexhibit as part of the convening, participate in planning a popular tribunal inconjunction with the convening. If you are interested in organizing the NorthAmerican convening, please contact us as USA@ijsn.net.


Intern with IJAN in the United States (clickhere to learn more about our internship program)


Launch Plans

IJAN in Toronto will participate in the Susan Nathan event on October 3, 2008 at 7pm at Steelworker’s Hall on 25 Cecil Street. Susan Nathan will present on her book The Other Side Of Israel: My Journey Across The Jewish-Arab Divide, a vivid portrait of herself encountering apartheid in her adopted country. Following her speaking tour in North America, she will testify in the International Court of Justice at The Hague. Please join the Network to table at the event.

Other launch actions ideas may include:

• a boycott campaign to challenge a pro-Israel consumerism PR campaign being launched in Toronto

• an event connected to the Canadian elections on October 14th to combat Canadian alliances with Israel and Zionism

About Us

We believe IJAN will be useful in addressing the isolation of anti-Zionist Jews in Canada by connecting our work internationally. As the politics of Canada have been moving right, adopting and implementing the neo-liberal political and economic policies of the US and the Bush Administration, it is critical to counter Jewish conservatism with clear Jewish anti-Zionist politics.

IJAN will support the Canadian Palestinian solidarity movement and specifically, the campaigns in support of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions. With its clear articulation of the strategic role for Jews in the Palestine solidarity movement, the Network hopes to challenge Jewish privilege and exclusivity and promote anti-racist practice in the work.

Initiatives and Organizations with which we Work or Partner

Women in Solidarity with Palestine




Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities