A Strategy of Liberation Requires Emancipation

Contributingto the heroic Palestinian Resistance, this growing awareness willincidentally precipitate the abolition of the Zionist ideology and itshideous manifestation, just like slavery or Nazism were abolished.

ThePalestinian Resistance and its allies represent an exemplary model ofdiversity and cooperation across borders, race, age, economiccircumstances, religion or nationality.

In essence, the Palestinian Resistance is a model of inclusion, the radical contrary of the exclusivist Zionist ideology.

Contrary to the gory Zionist project, our true and sincere aspirations are long lasting Peace, Justice and Freedom.  For us, this will restore of the true foundations of Palestinian society.

Afteralmost a century of unrepentant Zionist terrorism in Palestine, alldoubts have vanished: The only real road to Peace is a full andunconditional Liberation of Palestine, liberation from thissupremacist ideology and liberation from the perpetrators. That willinevitably mean a return to the original, peaceful society Palestinewas before the Zionist invasion.


Group aims to provide voice for Jews who oppose Zionism Guest viewpoint

Jews need to oppose Zionism to truly hold up our varied traditions of social justice.

As a new and growing organization, the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network seeks to challenge the violence and injustice of Israeli apartheid, and to challenge the notion that anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism.

A 2007 survey reported by The Jerusalem Post found that about half of Jewish-Americans younger than age 35 feel little or no identification with Israel or with the Zionist goal of a Jewish state.Alienated from the 52 major Jewish organizations in the United States that support Israel in unison, a great number of American Jews have no organized voice on Israel — a nation that claims to represent them. They therefore have few avenues to exert political influence on Israel in their communities and political structures.

IJAN hopes to provide a countervailing voice to this hegemony, led by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, not only in the United States but worldwide.

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An Open Letter Regarding

Inless than a month, people from across the United States and beyond will begathering at the 2010 U.S. Assembly of Jews: Confronting Racism and IsraeliApartheid (the "Assembly"). The Assembly is an historic eventintended to build relationships, political clarity and Jewish anti-Zionist organizingand activism. It takes place at a time when recognition of the brutal nature ofthe State of Israel is growing, and increasing numbers of people are compelledto challenge its impunity. To date, the Assembly has over forty endorsers,anticipates two hundred participants, and has gained the interest ofPalestinian, Palestinian solidarity and anti-racist movements in the United States,as well as the attention of mainstream Jewish media.

Giventhe stated purposes of the Assembly, we are expecting challenges to be leveledagainst it. IJAN, the main organizer of the Assembly, is already receiving criticismbased on inaccurate assumptions or apparently different political goals.Withthis momentous event upon us, we would like to take a moment to make clear the principles,positions and goals of the Assembly and help correct or prevent misconceptions.





Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities