Open Letter from U.S. Trade Unionists to AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka

To endorse this statement, click here.
To donate to Labor for Palestine,click here.

"Sanctions alone cannot eradicate apartheid; that task is ultimately leftto the people of SouthAfrica themselves. But economic pressure andpolitical isolation of the South African government can hasten the day whenjustice and freedom reign in that troubled land." --Richard L.Trumka, June 23, 1987

"We call on other workers and unions to. . . do all that is necessary to ensure that they boycott all goods to andfrom Israel untilPalestine is free."--Congress of South African Trade Unions, February 3, 2009

"We urge all international trade unionsto heed the call of Palestinian civil society, including the trade unionmovement, by endorsing BDS. We further urge all trade unions and trade unionfederations to sever their links with the Histadrut, a Zionist organizationthat has always played a key role in perpetuating Israel's occupation,colonization and system of racial discrimination, and that has justified andapplauded Israel's war crimes in Gaza in December 2008 and January 2009."--Palestinian Trade Union Movement Unanimously Confirms Support for BDS,November 25, 2009


Dear Brother Trumka:

As labor and anti-apartheid activists, we strongly disagree with your October27 speech denouncing the movement for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS)against Israel .

The BDS campaign was initiated in 2005 by Palestinian civil society --including its entire labor movement. Inspired by the international boycott thathelped topple apartheid South Africa ,it demands Palestinian self-determination, including an end to Israeli militaryoccupation, the right of refugees to return to the land from which they havebeen ethnically cleansed since the Nakba of 1947-1948, and equal rights for allthroughout historic Palestine .

Support for BDS has grown rapidly, especially since December 27, 2008, whenIsrael broke a truce with thedemocratically-elected Palestinian government and attackedGaza . In the resulting massacre,Israel killed more than 1400 Palestinians,hundreds of them children; maimed and wounded thousands more; and utterlydevastated Gaza 's infrastructure, including theGaza headquarters of thePalestine General Federation of Trade Unions.


SOASPalestine Society &

the International JewishAnti-Zionist Network


Jewish National Fund:
an NGO charity or para-statal instrument of apartheid?

Ameeting with

Dr. Salman Abu Sitta

Chairof the Palestine Land Society,historian, author of Atlas of Palestine, former member of the Palestinian National Council, andGeneral Co-ordinator of al-Awda– the Palestinian Right of Return Coalition.


Selma James

aco-ordinator of the International JewishAnti-Zionist Network

7pm.  Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Khalili Lecture Theatre, SOAS

(School ofAfrican and Oriental Studies)

Thornhaugh Street,Russell Square,

London WC1H 0XG

Tzipi Livni protest
On Sunday, 13 December, about 60 people Muslim,Jewish and other Palestinian solidarity groups – noisily protestedoutside, while some protested inside, against the JNF and invited speakerTzipi Livni - who did not attend for fear of being arrested upon arrival into the UK.  See the Indymedia report.  

IJAN, one of the organisers of the protest, was askedby.Al-Jazeera for an article– some of which is quoted in their report (in Arabic) . See article below for original.

And below that, a Guardian report of the arrest warrant for Livni!! Thereare also reports in Ha’aretz and the JewishChronicle.






Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities