From Arizona to Gaza – No Apartheid

On July 29th, IJAN went to two solidarity actions in Oakland and San Franciscoin response to the national call of action coming from Arizona against SB1070.  We went tosupport the movement in Arizona fightingfor immigrants’ rights and against the racist law SB1070 along with other new racistpolicies that criminalize and marginalize mainly Latino communities in Arizona.  We tooksigns “From Arizona to Gaza- No Apartheid” to make the connections between the criminalizing of andgovernment sanctioned attacks on immigrants in the USand Israel’sattackson Palestinians.  Theapartheid wall separates families and takes over land in Palestineand the border wall does this between the USand Mexico. There are also parallels between the ongoing repression, racial profiling, arbitrary arrestsand detentions, prosecutions, jail, against Latino people (and otherundocumented people) in the US  and that which Palestinian people face daily, stemming from racism,the lack of a legal status along with a belief that these groups are lesserhumans.  

We participated in the noon actionin Oakland at the downtown federal building, andthe San Francisco action in the evening in the Mission district of San Francisco.  Both actionswere also protesting against Secure Communities (S-Com).  S-Com is aprogram where the fingerprints of arrested people in participating cities/areaswill be cross-referenced with federal databases to determine legal status – which is being protested and challenged.
Aux USA, le défi juif au sionisme prend de l’ampleur
Les 19 et 22 juin, juste avant le Forum social US, les juifs d’Amérique du nord se rassembleront à Detroit pour défier le racisme, lecolonialisme et l’impérialisme ; d’abord et avant tout, en participant àla lutte pour vaincre le sionisme et décoloniser la Palestine.

(JPG)En juin 2010, les deux extrêmes du spectre politique juif US vont se trouver en rivalité à un moment historique. Alors qu’Israël et le mouvement sioniste se battent pour garder leur influence d’un siècle surl’esprit des juifs, un nouveau projet émerge qui s’écarte du sionisme et adhère à un engagement renouvelé pour une humanité partagée.

Les 19 et 22 juin, juste avant le Forum social US, les juifs d’Amérique du nord se rassembleront à Detroit pour défier le racisme, le colonialisme et l’impérialisme ; d’abord et avant tout, en participant à la lutte pour vaincre le sionisme et décoloniser la Palestine. L’Assemblée des juifs états-uniens 2010, "S’opposer au racisme et à l’apartheid israélien",tombe à un moment où il y a grande urgence à construire sur les récentssuccès du mouvement de solidarité avec la Palestine, et où les entreprises et le gouvernement des Etats-Unis continuent de commettre degraves injustices en Palestine - sans parler de celles dans leur propres communautés.

The Palestinian people in Gaza have not surrendered! ’Israel resembles a failed state’


This week, thousands of people from dozens of countries areattempting to reach Gaza to break the siege and march alongsidePalestinians who have been organising inside the territory.

Each of the individuals traveling with the Gaza Freedom March, VivaPalestina, or other delegations represents perhaps hundreds of otherswho could not make the journey in person, and who are marking the eventwith demonstrations and commemorations, visits to their electedofficials, and media campaigns.

Against this flowering of activism, Zionism is struggling torejuvenate its dwindling base of support. Multi-million dollarprogrammes aimed at recruiting and Zionising young American Jews arestruggling to compete against organisations like the InternationalJewish Anti-Zionist Network, which run not on money but principledcommitment to human equality.







Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities