International Women's Day 2011

Women theworld over suffer the daily impact of the global market, of chess games playedwith our lives by the rich and powerful over who has access to political powerand resources, of military economies, and of the criminalization and otherviolences inflicted on those who stand in the way of power and profit.

The Zioniststate of Israel participates in all of these violences.  The impact on women, children and families ofbuilding an exclusive, Jewish state in Palestine takes so many forms:

Palestinianwomen visiting, defending and supporting there sons, brothers, fathers, and uncleswho are the 60 percent of Palestinian men who end up as political prisoners atsome point in their lives.  Women whomaintain the Palestinian culture that Zionism tries so hard to destroy. Womenwho confront Israeli soldiers on a daily basis who are attempting to take theirland, their houses, their families. Women who rebuild life after Israel's assault on Gaza.

Meanwhile,Israeli families are being imbued with, implementing and inheriting nationalistmessages of racism, fear and hate, and spreading around the world is the Islamophobicdiscrimination and targeting that Zionism promotes and encourages.

In all of ourmovements for justice across the globe, including the incredible bursts of hopeand possibility spreading across North Africa and Southwest Asia now, women,queers and trans people, and moreso those of color, make movement happen.  We, all in our own and specific ways, understandso viscerally the impact of bigotry, chauvinism and racism that fuel andjustify the creation of haves and have nots. This understanding has always given us the motivation, courage andstrength to survive and resist, and to not be interested in the kind of powerthat is used against us, but to be the foundation of the mass movements thatare the power behind our collective liberation. 

No to JNF’s Pinkwashing of Israeli Apartheid
As lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) and straight activists and scholars, wecondemn the Jewish National Fund’s launch of a new LGBT committee in New YorkCity on December 9, 2010, for what it is: an attempt to "pinkwash" the JNF's central rolein acquiring Palestinian land on which to build the Israeli apartheid state.
International campaign against the Jewish National Fund
Stop the JNF...Stop Greenwashing Apartheid

TheJewish National Fund (JNF)[1] was instrumental in the ethnic cleansing[2] of Palestine in the 1948 Nakba, and continues to play a central role in maintaining Israel's regime of apartheid.[3] The JNF provided political, financial and intelligence[4] support for the Zionist forces in their conquest, massacres and ethnic cleansing operations that characterized the 1948-49 war and the Palestinian Nakba.Today, the JNF controls vast properties belonging to millions of Palestinians, developing them exclusively for persons of "Jewish nationality," a concept established and promoted in the JNF's charter toexclude all others.

The JNF was created in 1901 to acquire land and property rights in Palestine and beyond for exclusive Jewish settlement. While indigenous Palestinians are barred from leasing, building on, managing or working their own land, the JNF holds the land in trust for "those of Jewish race or descendency" living anywhere in the world to "promote the interests of Jews in the prescribed region."[5]

To read the Call in Spanish, click on "read more" and go to the bottom of the next page.  

Para leer la convocatoria en español, haga clic en "read more" y vaya a la parte inferior de la página siguiente.





Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities