IJAN-TC Statement of Support for Dr. Waziyatawin
In early January 2011, Dakota activist, scholar and author Dr. Waziyatawin was called by the FBI and questioned about her beliefs and a speech she gave at Winona State University in November '10. IJAN-TC, in our work against racism and colonialism, viewed this call from the FBI as an attempt to isolate and intimidate a member of our community for Truth Telling.
IJAN workshop at this year's Creating Change conference

IJAN-TC and Birthright Unplugged are partnering to present a workshop titled "The Exploitation of Queers; Pinkwashing, Palestine and our Joint Struggles."

Sunday, February 6th at 9am in Minneapolis

Workshop description:The language and ideology of LGBT equality and rights is currently being used by the U.S. and Israeli governments to mask racism, colonialism, and the oppression of Palestinian people, while furthering Islamophobia. In this workshop we will learn the history of this tactic, known as Pinkwashing. We will look at campaigns that challenge Pinkwashing, further Palestinian liberation and support indigenous sovereignty. We will also consider our personal stakes in this work, and explore methods of integrating international solidarity into our work for queer liberation.

FBI subpoenas more Palestine solidarity activists

Targeting of the anti-war and Palestine solidarity movement inthe United States took a new turn on September 24th with coordinatedraids that swept the Midwest, involving scores of federal agents. Fourteensubpoenas were delivered to anti-war, labor and solidarity activists. On 3 and8 December, five new subpoenas were issued in the Chicago area – all toPalestine solidarity activists.  IJAN’sstatement of solidarity is below. 

For more information, visit the Committee to Stop FBIRepression at .


The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network condemns thefederal government's accelerating use of the anti-democratic Grand Jury toharass and threaten the Palestine solidarity movement.  We will not be deterred in seeking justicefor Palestinians or for those who defend their rights.

The activists subpoenaed in Illinois, Michigan andMinnesota can count on our continued support as they face government repressionfor speaking out against violations of rights, unnecessary suffering andneedless loss of life. 




Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities