Bajo la Batuta de Netanyahu
No tenemos los elementos completos para avanzar hipótesis sobre perpetradores, tomadores de decisiones, vericuetos de servicios de inteligencia, manipulaciones electoralistas y otras conjeturas más o menos plausibles. Lo que es realidad es Netanyahu desfilando con otros cabecillas del poder visible de Europa con la comandante Merkel a la cabeza, el domingo 11 de enero 2015 ... Bajo la Batuta de Netanyahu
Support Popular Tribunal at World Social Forum Tunisia

The WorldSocial Forum (WSF) in Tunis, Tunisia March 26th - 30th, 2013,is just around the corner and promises to be a critical organizing opportunityfor our growing movements.

The forumwill serve as the launch of a series of international popular tribunals againstIsrael entitled: "The Case against Israel: Exposing Israel's role in StateRepression and Violence Worldwide" and organized by the Malcolm XGrassroots Movement (MXGM), the United States Palestinian Community Network(USPCN), and the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN). Growing outof an assembly hosted at the World Social Forum Free Palestine inPorto Alegre, Brazil, in December of 2012, these tribunals seek toexpose the role Israel and the Zionist movement play in repressing progressivesocial movements and attacking communities throughout the world.

IJAN Releases "Israel’s Worldwide Role in Repression"

Researched, written and edited by members of the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, the newexposé, "Israel's Worldwide Role in Repression," focuses on the role ofIsrael's government military, and related corporations and organizations in aglobal industry of violence and repression.

IJAN's 28-pagebooklet was officially released at the World Social Forum Free Palestine inPorto Alegre, Brazil, and has received widespread attention in recent weeks; ithas been featured in Al Jazeera, Jacobin, La Rebelión and Jadaliyya among otherpublications.

The pamphletis being used as part of a broader organizing project with the Malcolm XGrassroots Movement and the US Palestinian Community Network to highlight therole Israel plays in the arms industry and political repression around theglobe. The information in the pamphlet is not widely known, and givenstate-secrecy, censorship and limited organizational resources, the informationwe have gathered thus far is merely the tip of the iceberg in the push foraccountability. We seek to continue to build awareness and gather testimonyleading to populartribunals in various locations impacted by the work of Israel and itsrelated corporations and organizations.

The pamphletis availableon-line and print copies can be ordered in English, Spanish and Portuguese.We welcome translation of the pamphlet into other languages. We also urge theorganizing of actions, campaigns or popular tribunals in the places whereIsrael, often with the United States, plays a role in the repression of ourmovements or in attacks on communities.

The pamphlets, source documents, research, waysto get involved and video from our first People's Assembly at the World SocialForum Free Palestine in Porto Alegre, Brazil, are available on-line at:





Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities