Statement in support of Professor Richard Falk, UN Special Rapporteur

We jointhe National Lawyers Guild in expressing support for the UN Special Rapporteur,Richard Falk, in his statement on the need for the U.S. to examine its foreignpolicy. 

Dr. Falk,in an editorial in Foreign Policy Journal titled "A Commentary on the Marathon Murders," appealedfor the U.S. to be self-critical and examine the effects of "irresponsible andunlawful warfare [as the] centerpiece of American foreign policy." He listssome of the more egregious actions of the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan,including Abu Ghraib, drone attacks, torture, and rendition and says: "TheAmerican global domination project is bound to generate all kinds of resistancein the post-colonial world. In some respects, the United States has beenfortunate not to experience worse blowbacks..." Dr. Falk continues the essay withdiscussion of Barack Obama's abandonment of the Palestinians and anyinvolvement in bringing about a just peace. Obama's recent visit to Israel,says Falk, was a "love letter to the Israeli public" and "obsequious diplomacy"rather than a serious attempt at achieving justice. 

Hugo Chavez: President of the poor and ally to all the oppressed has died

It was withgreat sadness that we received the news of the passing of President Hugo Chávezof Venezuela. As citizens of the world, wecontinue to draw hope and inspiration from the Bolivarian Revolution.It is a point of reference in the global resistance to the suffering imposed bygovernments, corporations and ruling classes - beginning with those of theUnited States and its massive military.

In theclosing days of 2012, three members of IJAN had the privilege of visiting theBolivarian Republic. They witnessed a peopleengaged in building a more just society and standing up to imperial domination. They saw the coming to fruition of a projectof building nearly one thousandapartments for victims of natural disasters.This was in sharp contrast to the US experience in the aftermath ofHurricanes Sandy and Katrina, when the government left the victims to fend forthemselves, and treated as criminals those  trying to escape the floods, even shooting  refugees dead.

Après les attentats, quelle unité ?
Les faits Une série de crimes commis par des terroristes islamistes se réclamant d'Al Qaida. Une attaque contre le siège de Charlie Hebdo faisant douze morts, le meurtre d'une agent de la police municipale parisienne, une prise d'otages dans une épicerie casher faisant quatre morts. L’émotion a été massive. Comment en aurait-il pu être autrement ... Après les attentats, quelle unité ?




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