IJAN condemns Israel’s siege on Gaza
Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are threatened by a humanitariancrisis created by a two-year-old economic blockade that furtherexacerbates the effects of 60 years of ruthless colonial oppression. Inthe past two weeks, the blocking of all food and medical supplies toGaza raises this humanitarian crisis to a level that rings with thethreat of annihilation.

We are outraged but not surprised by this escalation.  As predicted bypolitical writers such as Ilan Pappe and Toufic Haddad, Israeli’sunilaterally designed and implemented disengagement from Gaza preparedthe terrain. With this withdrawal, Israel maintained control of theborders, air and water space, and completely isolated Gaza practicallyand politically. This has been accomplished with unconditional supportfrom the United States and its allies and the complicity of the broaderinternational community and Gaza’s neighbors.

The warnings about Gaza are similar to others throughout history.Mordekhai Gebirtig, the great Yiddish poet, wrote his famous song‘S’brent’ (It Is Burning) in 1938. He wrote the song in response to the1936 pogrom in the town of Przytyk, warning against the comingcatastrophe that would befall the Jews in Europe.

The end of the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas - Israel’sjustification for belligerence - was in fact provoked by Israel duringthe United States presidential election. Israel is acting in bad faith,attacking Gaza’s civilians and using the Palestinian response tojustify ratcheting up the suffering. Israel’s actions in Gaza are anassault on life itself. They are an unconscionable crime againsthumanity and a form of collective punishment.

Israel has taken a lesson from the Nazi government in Warsaw andother oppressive regimes by kidnapping and holding hostage humanitarianaid workers and international human rights observers. Such a tacticprevents their witnessing of and communication about what is happeningin Gaza.

The latest naked display of violence by Israel and the arrogantcontempt of Israel’s leaders for the humanity of the people of Gaza andtherefore for the humanity of us all should move world bodies,non-governmental organizations, faith-based groups, and all people ofconscience to take immediate action.

Those who have supported Israel’s refusal to deal with thedemocratically elected Hamas government should now understand that thestarving of Gaza is the inevitable outcome of that support.

Stop the assault on and blockade of Gaza now! Stop the holding of humanitarian aid workers and human rights observers hostage!

Only a campaign of boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel has a chance of stopping Israel’s violence.

If Mordechai Gebirtig, the Jewish artist and revolutionary, were alive today, he would be writing ‘S’brent’ for Gaza.

Charter Discussed at European Social Forum

Débat : « La situation actuelle en Palestineet quel mouvement de solidarité avec la Palestine »

Participants : Omar Soumi deGénération Palestine, CCIPPP (Missions civiles), l’Union Juive Française pourla Paix (UJFP), Tawfik Tahani de l’AFPS, Mohamad Sharqawi de l’Union Généraledes Etudiants de Palestine, Walid Atallah de l’association des Palestiniens enFrance, Liliana Cordova présentera la campagne Boycott.

Forum Social des Quartiers Populaires, Programme de l’Espace Palestine

Samedi 5 octobre 2008, 14h


Desarrollo de la Región

Estamosformando la Red IJAN en Latinoamérica para conectar Judíos anti-Sionistas de laregión. La Red IJAN espera aliarse con los movimientos sociales yanti-imperialistas en la región para enfrentar al Sionismo.

Laprimera actividad de la Red IJAN en la región fue escribir una carta a MercedesSosa para solicitar su apoyo al llamamiento de los movimientos palestinos porel boicot cultural de Israel y cancele sus próximos conciertos en Israel. Presione aquí para leer la carta.

Aliadose Iniciativas Regionales

Federaciónde Entidades Argentino Palestinas


About Us

We are building IJAN in LatinAmerica to connect anti-Zionist Jews across the region. IJAN hopes to build with the growing anti-imperialist and social movementsin Latin America to confront Zionism.

The Network’s first activity in the region was to write aletter to Mercedes Sosa to demand she support for the Palestinian call forcultural boycott of Israel and cancel her upcoming concerts in Israel. Click here to read the letter.

Regional Partners and Initiatives

Federación de Entidades Argentino Palestinas





Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities