Stop the Jewish National Fund Campaign – Overview
La construcción de la Historia Oficial sobre la familia Bibas
En estos días, estamos viendo un descomunal operativo de prensa destinado a deshumanizar a la Resistencia palestina de Gaza. Aceptando sin dudar por al menos un segundo la narrativa inventada por el gobierno israelí racista envalentonado por su continuada impunidad garantizada por la protección de EEUU y la UE, los medios hegemónicos al servicio del poder establecido repiten que Hamas mató salvajemente a la familia Bibas. Ignoran y esconden, de esta manera, que ya el 29 de noviembre de 2023, Hamas avisó que los miembros de la familia Bibas habían sido asesinados salvajemente, junto a miles de niñas y niños palestinxs, por los bombardeos masivos de la aviación israelí en Gaza1. Y que en ese mismo día ofreció devolver los cadáveres a la ocupación israelí1, pero el gobierno genocida de Natanyahu no aceptó la oferta.
Standing for Palestinian lives, land, and liberation is not antisemitic. It’s part of the fight against racism.
To be anti-racist one must also be anti-Zionist In 2023, the long-term lobbying efforts of Zionist organizations resulted in a U.S. House of Representatives resolution declaring that anti-Zionism means the same thing as antisemitism. Across the US, elected officials, government agencies, companies, universities, and other institutions increasingly use accusations of antisemitism to punish and vilify ... Standing for Palestinian lives, land, and liberation is not antisemitic. It’s part of the fight against racism.
IJAN Bay Area Urges SF Board of Supervisors to Adopt Pro-Ceasefire Resolution
IJAN Bay Area is strongly supportive of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors' ceasefire resolution, which will be put to a vote this Tuesday, January 9th. In advance of Tuesday's decision, and in collaboration with Jewish Voice for Peace, Bay Area, and other Jewish organizations, IJAN has distributed a petition urging SF's city supervisors to ... IJAN Bay Area Urges SF Board of Supervisors to Adopt Pro-Ceasefire Resolution



Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities