In May 2007 the U.N. General Assembly passed a resolution to convenethe Durban Review Conference. Since that time, and unknown to many, ormost, at least 17 Zionist organizations had been "monitoring andprotesting" the Durban Review Conference. With enormous planning andlobbying, Zionists and others who were committed to minimizing theimpact of NGOs were extremely successful in ... 2009 World Conference Against Racism
IJAN is building a student/youth network that will begin in the United States and hopefully grow in other regions. The student/youth network seeks to develop the leadership and participation of younger anti-Zionists and questioning Jewish youth in our work and the broader Palestine solidarity and anti-racist movements. Through campus-based organizing, we hope to engage both ... Campus and Student/Youth Organizing 2009
IJAN is represented in three main regions in Spain, Galicia (Vigo), Madrid and Catalonia (Barcelona). Our main activities are participating in the State Network of Organisations Working in Solidarity with Palestine (RESCOP), which focuses on building BDS at the Spanish and European levels.