William S. DuffeyDistrict Court JudgeUnited States District Court1721 RichardB. RussellFederal Buildingand United StatesCourthouse75 Spring Street S.W.Atlanta, GA 30303 RE: Ehsanul Sadequee. Case No.1:06-CR-147-WSD-GGB Dear Honorable Judge Duffey,As a concerned US citizen and a resident of [STATE], I am verysaddened to hear about the verdict on Ehsanul Sadequee, Shifa's case. I am writing to kindly request Your Honor ... Sample Letter for Shifa's Sentencing
Hello, IJAN's first Anniversary Statement and the Call to Action are ready for use and are attached below. I put them here only because I was having trouble uploading them to the forum, but I will put them up there as soon as I can.The Statement includes, for the second side of the paper, a ... Anniversary Statement and Call to Action
Protest Toronto International Film Festival Spotlight on Tel Aviv
The Toronto-based Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid (CAIA) is urging people to write letters protesting the Toronto International Film Festival City-to-City Spotlight on Tel Aviv. John Greyson, internationally renowned filmmaker, has pulled his film from the festival. Read CAIA's statement, and the letter Greyson sent to TIFF's organizers.