Never Again for Anyone

Never Again for Anyone challenges the misuse of the Nazi genocide of Jews (“The Holocaust”) for political purposes. By exceptionalizing the Nazi genocide, European Jews are set apart from the victims and survivors of that and other genocides instead of being united with them. The Zionist exploitation of this genocide to justify colonization, displacement and apartheid in Palestine is a dishonor to those who survived and those who did not. The refrain “Never Again” must mean “Never Again, for Anyone!”

IJAN’s “Never Again for Anyone” work aims to make connections between the current environment of Islamophobia, other forms of xenophobia, political repression and support for Israel. The work draws on the parallels between the political contexts of dehumanization and political repression in Nazi Germany, Palestine, and the West.

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Nunca Más Para Nadie
Desde JUNTS- Associació Catalana de Jueus i Palestins, IJAN- Red Judía Antisionista Internacional -, y el Instituto de Derechos Humanos de Cataluña, celebramos la Resolución en Defensa del Derecho Internacional Humanitario (DIH) y de los Derechos Humanos (DDHH) del pueblo palestino, aprobada con los apoyos de BEC, ERC, PSC y la CUP, más la abstención ... Nunca Más Para Nadie

Honoring Hajo Meyer on Holocaust Remembrance Day
On the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, we honor Hajo Meyer’s life and his commitment to the liberation of all people suffering dehumanization. Hajo Meyer

VIDEO: Never Again for Anyone
Below is a video in honor of Holocaust Remembrance Day articulating the vision of "Never Again for Anyone" as lifted up by 350 survivors and descendants of survivors and victims of the Nazi genocide who published a letter in the New York Times during Israel's 2014 massacre in Gaza. The video features footage of Hajo Meyer, a survivor of Auschwitz, and the lead signatory to the letter, who passed away the evening before it ran.

Never Again for Anyone from Intl Jewish Anti-Zionist Network on Vimeo.

Governor Brown Should Not Use the Holocaust to Hide Racism

AsCalifornia prisoners' massive hunger strike against long-term solitaryconfinement, group punishment, and other cruel and inhuman policies of the CDCR(California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation) enters its second week,Governor Jerry Brown is on a two-week vacation to Germanyand Ireland.  To add insult to injury, itincludes a visit to the Dachau concentration camp.

It isshocking for the Governor to have chosen this time to go on vacation while the CDCRrefuses to meet the hunger strikers' five just demands that would end the torture ofprisoners in the state he is supposed to be responsible for governing.  The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Networkis outraged that Brown dares to exploit theNazi genocide to distract from his complicity in the repression and racism againstprisoners, disproportionately people of color and low income people, women andtransgender people, in order to make money for the lucrative prison industry inCalifornia. 

Pleasetake a moment to sign the  Pledge of Resistance to stand with Californiaprisoners on hunger strike!


Jewish Daily Forward publishes op-ed slandering Holocaust survivors and relatives who signed on to NYT “Justice in Gaza” letter
On August 28th, 2014, The Jewish Daily Forward published an outrageous op-ed by Alvin H. Rosenfeld entitled, “Moral Emptiness of Holocaust Survivors Who Took on Israel”. Rosenfeld’s piece was written in response to a letter published in the New York Times and signed by over forty Jewish survivors and over 300 descendents of Jewish survivors and victims of the Holocaust demanding justice in Gaza. Not only did the Forward provide editorial space to Mr. Rosenfeld, who used it to personally slander and minimize prominent human rights activists, but it then denied the original letter’s signatories an opportunity to respond.

Two Responses to Alvin Rosenfeld from Signatories to Survivors’ and Descendants’ Letter
Below are two editorials from signatories to the survivors' and descendants' letter submitted to The Jewish Daily Forward in response to Alvin Rosenfeld's op-ed which was full of ad hominem attacks on the signers. Neither op-ed was published nor did either author receive a response from The Forward. First is an op-ed by signatory Jesse Strauss and second one from Bruce Ballin. Click here to view a press release about The Forward's refusal to provide the signers an opportunity to defend themselves agains Rosenfeld's attack.





Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities