Never Again for Anyone – Overview
IJAN condemns the attempt to derail the Durban Review process


We are appalledby the concerted effort, led by Israeli officials, Zionist organizations andapologists, to derail the Durban Review Conference. We condemn the use of the memoryof the Nazi genocide, as Jewish organizations did during the Durban Reviewweek, in the defense of Israel'ssystematic domination and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. We areshocked by the cynical pretense of defending human rights, for example in Darfurand Rwanda, by organizations and groups that are only interested in silencing Palestiniandemands for accountability and redress and have no serious commitment to humanrights. The brazen exploitation of genocides and racialized violence inAfrica for the purpose of protecting and extending colonial domination in Palestine is itself aninstance of colonial racism. It is only tolerated due to the strength of racisminside the institutions of global governance.

Racismis one of the legacies of colonialism and a fundamental injustice insocietiesall over the world. The World Conference Against Racism in Durban 2001took abelated small step toward recognizing the impact of colonialism andracism on Africa and initiating a global discussion about the crimeof slavery and the need for restitution; it also addressed manyother instances of racism that must be addressed. It is beyond obvious to us thata conference about racism, and especially a conference that seeks to addressthe legacy of colonial oppression, must discuss Israel,since Israelis a settler-colonial state that systematically oppresses and deniesbasic human rights to millions of Palestinians. Israel's attempt to derail thisimportant conference in order to avoid being examined and called to account isan affront against all the victims of racism all over the world, including the sixmillion Jews who perished in the Nazi genocide.

April Events
Below you will find various activities IJAN is organizing or collaborating onover the coming weeks in response to or in conjunction with the World Conference Against Racism,otherwise known as the Durban Review Conference (DRC). For example,IJAN is cooperating with the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment, andSanctions National Committee in their sponsorship of the Israel Review Conference,a two-day conference in Geneva preceding the DRC. On April 18, therewill a mass demonstration in Geneva against racism and xenophobia. IJANis co-sponsoring this event and supporting coordinated demonstrations (see below)in cities around the world. IJAN's campaign to resist racism, apartheidand genocide will also be kicking off at this time in both London andGeneva and will develop through the year. This participation reflectsIJAN's understanding of Zionism not only as a form of racism andcolonialism in Palestine and the region, but as working hand in handwith racist policies and practices in the United States and Europe. Itis an expression of our commitment to working at the intersection ofPalestineliberation and broader anti-racist and anti-colonial struggles.
Internationally Coordinated Demonstrations


In solidarity with thegrassroots movements demonstrating at the World Conference AgainstRacism to demand accountability for the role of governments in racism,we are organizing a global day of action.

On April 18th, join with others across the globe in taking another step toward a united front against racism!

Join with the families of 10,000 Palestinian political prisoners being held in Israeli prisons and detention centers.

Join with families of political prisoners and immigrants held in detention in the United States and Guantanamo.

Joinwith the international community gathering in Geneva for the WorldConference Against Racism to demand international accountability forracism, anti-immigrant policies and colonization.

Organize a rally, demonstration or educational event insupport of local struggles for racial and economic justice, immigrantand indigenous rights, and in solidarity with the people ofAfghanistan, Iraq, Haiti and Palestine struggling against occupation.

For more information, contact or

For full call-to-action and background information:




Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities