Never Again for Anyone – Overview
IJAN India is Becoming More Active

IJAN India is becoming more active. The activisttaking the lead on IJAN in India is part of the organizing committee of a conference, "A Just Peace forPalestine - A Conference on WestAsia ." In cooperation with the Palestinian BoycottDivestments Sanctions National Committee (BNC), a group of Indian activists andintellectuals initiated a conference on the issue of Palestine ,in NewDelhi , on September22nd-23rd. The conference seeks to mobilize all those involved in people's movementsfor a just and equitable world across India and the region to collectivelystrategize and build a solidarity campaign for the liberation of Palestinianlands from Israeli occupation, self-determination and equality for all Palestiniansand the right of return of Palestinian refugees.

Indiaand the region has historically played a key role in garnering internationalsupport for Palestine, the South African anti-apartheid struggle and otheranti-colonial struggles. We believe that countries representing the non-alignedmovement, with its proud de-colonisation history, should once again play a keyrole in the struggle for justice and againstIsrael 's occupation,colonization, and apartheid policies.

TheConference aims to mobilize activistsin people's movements around Palestinian rights, develop an effective strategy forsolidarity with Palestine , connect to policy makers and activists inthe region, to inform the peopleabout the current situation in Palestine , and tobuild and strengthen campaignstargeting companies and institutions that are complicit inIsrael 's occupation,colonization and apartheid policies.

Belowis the conference program.

Islamophobia: The Bigotry of Our Age

 Excerpted for IJAN's statement on Islamophobia:

"As the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN) enters its third year of work, we identify the struggle against Islamophobia as a priority.Being committed to the liberation of Palestine, we note how Islamophobiaprovides cultural and ideological currency to Western support for Israel. Aspart of movements against war and military occupation, we condemn the role thatIsrael plays in the US-allied military agenda and economy. As allies in thestruggle against racism in our countries and communities, we assert that theadoption of Zionism by Western governments and political elites carries a highprice in terms of the well-being and safety of all people. 

Zionism is bound up with Islamophobia, which, in addition to targetingMuslims and other Arab and Middle Eastern people, including Arab Jews, spreadsbigotry and produces an environment of racist and ethnic discrimination.Zionism's impact on our societies is to feed and strengthen already pervasiveconservative, right wing and fundamentalist political and social trends towarddiscrimination based on cultural, racial and ethnic difference, socialexclusion, and violence that lead to poverty, restriction of movement, loss ofemployment, incarceration, separation, deportation and death."

To read the whole statement, click here or below.  

IJAN-TC on KFAI radio in Minneapolis
Three members of IJAN-TC were featured on KFAI Radio's Catalyst program, hosted by Lydia Howell, on Thursday August 12th at 9am.



Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities