Israel’s Worldwide Role in Repression – Overview
Anti-Zionist Jews March to Commemorate the 33rd Anniversary of the Argentianian Coup

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Throughout the history of popular liberation struggles, therehas been significant Jewish participation. This participation has beensabotaged by the historic and progressive ethnic cleansing of Palestineby the state of Israel.
In Argentina between 1978 until 1982 the Israeli government, theJewish Agency and other official groups have curbed the immigrationsolicitations of Jewish leftists whose lives were in danger in order tomaintain good commercial and political relations with the militarydictatorship in power. In the same period, Israel realized the sale ofarms valued around one thousand million dollars with Argentina. Likudas well as leaders of the Labor party were directly complicit in thisplot of silence.

Zionism, the founding ideology in Israel, has it's roots inthe era of European colonization and disseminated a continuation ofNazi genocide. Zionism grew in the most violent and oppressive eventsof the nineteenth century, weakening the numerous Jewish militantliberation struggles. Honoring those struggles and to reclaim thespaces of those vibrant popular movements of our time, Zionism and allof it's forms need to be abandoned.

Today we march in solidarity with the memory of the victims ofArgentinian state terror in the monstrous years of repression and alsoas Jewish with the people of Gaza and all of Palestine, victims ofIsraeli state terror, expulsion, oppression, torture and assassinationduring the last 70 years.
Jewish Canadians Concerned about Suppression of Criticism of Israel
Background:  IJAN Toronto members, working with other local Jewish activists in Toronto, put together and op-ed piece and collected 161 names of Jewish Canadians within a week, debunking the myth that criticism of the Israeli state is anti-Semitic, or that Israel acts out of self-defense. It also decries recent attacks on Israeli Apartheid week at several Canadian Universities. The statement, “Jewish Canadians Concerned About Suppression of Criticism of Israel.” speaks about the current climate as analogous to the Red Scare of the 1950s. Both the Toronto Star and the national Globe and Mail refused to publish it. The piece was then placed as an “advertisement” in one of the free weekly papers in Toronto, NOW Magazine. It is currently circulating on various lists and websites on the Internet, and may eventually be placed as an advertisement in either the Globe and Mail or the Ottawa Citizen, if more money can be raised. And names keep coming in.


Weare Jewish Canadians concerned about all expressions of racism,anti-Semitism, and social injustice. We believe that the Holocaustlegacy “Never again” means never again for all peoples. It is a tragicturn of history that the State of Israel, with its ideals of democracyand its dream of being a safe haven for Jewish people, causesimmeasurable suffering and injustice to the Palestinian people.

Weare appalled by recent attempts of prominent Jewish organizations andleading Canadian politicians to silence protest against the State ofIsrael. We are alarmed by the escalation of fear tactics. Charges thatthose organizing Israel Apartheid Week or supporting an academicboycott of Israel are anti-Semites promoting hatred bring theanti-Communist terror of the 1950s vividly to mind. We believe thisserves to deflect attention from Israel’s flagrant violations ofinternational humanitarian law.

B’nai Brith and the Canadian Jewish Congress have pressured university presidents and
administrationsto silence debate and discussion specifically regardingPalestine/Israel. In a full-page ad in a national newspaper, B’naiBrith urged donors to withhold funds from universities because“anti-Semitic hate fests” were being allowed on campuses. ImmigrationMinister Jason Kenney and Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff have echoedthese arguments. While university administrators have resisted demandsto shut down Israel Apartheid week, some Ontario university presidentshave bowed to this disinformation campaign by suspending and finingstudents, confiscating posters, and infringing on free speech.

Wedo not believe that Israel acts in self-defense. Israel is the largestrecipient of US foreign aid, receiving $3 million/day. It has thefourth strongest army in the world. Before the invasion of Gaza on 27December 2008, Israel’s siege had already created a humanitariancatastrophe there, with severe impoverishment, malnutrition, anddestroyed infrastructure. It is crucial that forums for discussion ofIsrael’s accountability to the international community for what manyhave called war crimes be allowed to proceed unrestricted by speciousclaims of anti-Semitism.

Werecognize that anti-Semitism is a reality in Canada as elsewhere, andwe are fully committed to resisting any act of hatred against Jews. Atthe same time, we condemn false charges of anti-Semitism againststudent organizations, unions, and other groups and people exercisingtheir democratic right to freedom of speech and association regardinglegitimate criticism of the State of Israel.

Click to read the original list of signatories.

En solidaridad con Laura Ginsberg
Los abajo firmantes repudiamos y rechazamos las expresiones burdas y ofensivas vertidas por una representante de la HASBARÁ ("explicación" en hebreo), en respuesta al texto firmado por la titular de APEMIA, Laura Ginsberg, que fuera publicado por el diario Página 12 el viernes 30 de enero de 2009 bajo el título: "Con los ojos en Gaza".  



Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities